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‘Generous’ Clintons Donated $1,042,000 To Themselves in 2015

Brian Anderson

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FW:  Aug. 25, 2016

(Aug. 12, 2016)

Bill and Hillary released their tax returns today to both pressure Donald Trump and show the world what generous benefactors they are. After making a butt-load of money for doing nothing in 2015, the Clintons want you to see that they donated $1,042,000 to charity. Upon closer inspection all of that money ended up going to them. I’m not quite sure they understand how charity works.

The Clintons made $10.6 million last year, which is astounding considering they don’t actually do anything. They don’t own or run a company. They aren’t developers or manufacturers. Nothing they do creates jobs or benefits anyone other than them.

Keeping with that theme, of the $1,042,00 they gave to charity, $1 million went to the Clinton Foundation. The Clinton’s charitable organization hasn’t proven that they actually do anything to help people, but it sure is under fire for being corrupt. As far as anyone can tell, the Clinton Foundation is a way for rich people to buy favors from the Clintons, especially Hillary.

Giving a million bucks to the Clinton Foundation is as bullshit as it gets in terms of making a charitable donation, but hey, they did give another $42,000 to a real charity, right? Not so fast. That 42k went to Desert Classic Charities, which is golf tournament.

A golf tournament may not seem like the greatest charity to give to, but it gets much worse optics wise. From the Desert Classic Charities website:

Desert Classic Charities, the local nonprofit entity that organizes the CareerBuilder Challenge in partnership with the Clinton Foundation, will host their annual Charity Check distribution event today…(my epmphasis)

Are you kidding me? They just gave all of that money to themselves.

This is a tax fraud scheme. They gave 10% of their income to “charity,” wrote that off their taxes, and then these Clinton-owned charities will launder the money back to them. And guess what? The rest of us paid for that.

In addition to writing off $1,042,000 in charitable donations, the Clintons found another $1,358,000 in tax deductions. Again, they don’t actually do anything. What the hell are they writing off? Almost all of their money comes from speaking fees. How do you get almost a million and a half worth of write-offs from talking to people?

Do you really think that Hillary is on the level when she says she is going to make millionaires pay their fair share? No way in hell is she going to mess with the tax system that she and her husband benefit from so lucratively.

Besides ripping off the American people, this shows how little the Clinton’s actually care about their fellow man. There are so many worthy charities they could have donated to. They could have helped out veterans, they could have given to medical research, or they could have aided people with mental illness. Instead, they decided they themselves were most in need of help and gave to the Clintons.

And what about all of that stuff that Hillary is running for president on and claims to care about deeply? Reproductive rights? Black lives? Gun control? Immigrants? She didn’t a give a liberal dime to any of those things.

This is pathetic. They didn’t buy Girl Scout cookies, boost the local high school football team, or even donate semen-stained clothing to the Goodwill. I gave more to actual charity last year than these two elitists and I don’t make a hundredth of what they do.