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BREAKING: Key Witness Comes Forward That Could Finally Seal Hillary’s Fate

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Sept. 9, 2016

In a shocking development that could signal the biggest move yet toward a criminal case against Hillary Clinton, a State Department staffer who helped set up Hillary’s personal home email server has been granted immunity by the Justice Department.

A move toward immunity would indicate that the staffer, Bryan Pagliano, would be willing to offer his testimony about the server in exchange for the guarantee that he would not be charged in the investigation into the mishandling of classified information.

According to The Washington Post, Pagliano worked in an undisclosed capacity for Clinton’s unsuccessful 2008 campaign for the Democrat nomination for president. In 2009, while Hillary was secretary of state, he helped set up the server in Clinton’s New York home. He had been asked to testify about the server last summer, but had invoked his Fifth Amendment rights.

The bombshell news was greeted with the same repetitive statement of innocence that the Clinton campaign has been issuing since time immemorial.

“As we have said since last summer, Secretary Clinton has been cooperating with the Department of Justice’s security inquiry, including offering in August to meet with them to assist their efforts if needed,” Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon said.

Needless to say, the news had the anti-Hillary camp thrilled.


A witness asking for immunity is massive, in that no witness would ask for immunity if there wasn’t something to be immune from. If the server Clinton set up with Pagliano’s help was totally legit, then why would he come forward in this way?

The artfully constructed walls around Hillary Clinton’s illegal activities are falling, one by one. We know there was classified information on there. We know she should have known about it.


Now, with Pagliano’s testimony as a witness, we could know the biggest secrets hidden by Hillary Clinton’s private email server — and, at long last, Hillary Clinton might be about to see the inside of a jail cell.

H/T The Hill