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Hillary Clinton Is FURIOUS About What Trey Gowdy Told Fox News about a Clinton Insider (WHOA!)

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Sept. 2, 2016

For almost nine hours, conservative hero Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) grilled long-time Clinton insider Sidney Blumenthal during a private meeting of the Benghazi Select Committee. Gowdy, as Chair, used his skills he developed as a former undefeated prosecutor to cut to the truth about the secret emails Sidney was sending to Hillary on her unsecured home computer server.


Blumenthal protested about being called before the committee, claiming it’s all about politics. But as Gowdy has shown, he has no timetable for getting to the truth behind the massive intelligence failure in Benghazi, Libya, which lead to a terrorist attack and four dead Americans… including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens.

The startling revelation from Blumenthal is that – even though he was forwarding memos about Libya to Hillary while simultaneously having a business interest there – Blumenthal didn’t write the memos! Instead, they came from a single source, and he was “simply and merely a conduit” for someone else. Whoa!

Blumenthal, meeting with reporters after his testimony ended, said the memos were written by a former high-ranking CIA official, adding that he passed them on to Clinton as a friend.

Blumenthal and Gowdy declined to name the author of the memos, but emails released last month show at least one memo written by former CIA official Tyler Drumheller.

The evening after the September 2012 Benghazi attack, Blumenthal forwarded to Clinton an analysis of the situation from Drumheller which purported to contain information from “sources with direct access to the Libyan National Transitional Council as well as the highest levels of European governments as well as Western intelligence and security services.”

The memo said a top Libyan official, Mohamed Yousef el-Magariaf, had told close associates that the Benghazi attack was carried out by the militant group Ansar al-Sharia and that Libyan security officials believed the group “took advantage of cover provided by” demonstrations against an Internet video seen as insulting to the Prophet Mohammed to conduct it.

via The Blaze

Watch (below) as Trey Gowdy explains the situation to Megyn Kelly on Fox News.

This complicates matters for Hillary in a BIG WAY. It means that someone with direct financial interests in Libya, could direct President Obama’s Secretary of State personally on matters of foreign policy. This is a massive scandal, and Trey Gowdy struck gold here. If he’s not able to release the name yet, it’s for good reason… And it’s a ticking time bomb which is about to EXPLODE for Hillary.