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EXCLUSIVE: Clinton Rape Victim Juanita Broaddrick Speaks Out! (FULL INTERVIEW)

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Published on Aug 24, 2016

Josh Sigurdson speaks with Juanita Broaddrick who decades ago alleges she was raped by Bill Clinton at the former Camelot Hotel in Little Rock Arkansas.

Juanita has been a prevalent issue in the news lately, once again after Hillary Clinton tweeted that rape accusers should be believed despite the countless accusations against Bill Clinton.

According to Juanita, after being raped by Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton had threatened her about coming out. There have been several witnesses to substantiate Juanita's claims as well as newspaper archives that prove Bill Clinton was in town at the time and Juanita was at the hotel on the date in question.

With the number of women that have come out against Bill Clinton, the notion that Juanita might be lying is absolutely absurd. Especially considering the 26 times Clinton has come up on billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's child prostitute airplane 'The Lolita Express', denial at this point is nothing but naive.

Josh asked Juanita about whether she felt her life was in any way at risk as Clinton enemies are ending up dead left and right. Josh also asks Juanita about her support for Donald Trump, the media's portrayal of her, Clinton removing "the right to be believed" from her website, Andrea Mitchell's smear, what she'd like to see happen to the Clintons as well as what she'd say to Bill Clinton if she were to see him in person today.

Of course Juanita has been harassed by Bill since the incident. He's apologized (which was witnessed) in 1991 a week before running for president and even sent Juanita a letter.

It's time that the Clintons are seen as the people they are, abusive power freaks who victimize innocent people on their path towards absolute power. Let's demand that both the Clintons get put behind bars to rot in prison for the disgusting things they have done!

Video edited by Josh Sigurdson


Josh Sigurdson

Juanita Broaddrick