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BREAKING: Facing Jail, Clinton Aide Makes Nuclear Announcement on Email

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FW:  Aug. 18, 2016

An attorney for Bryan Pagliano, the shady Clinton aide who set up former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email server, vowed this week that his client would plead the Fifth Amendment when questioned by the watchdog group Judicial Watch.

“The potential for self-incrimination here is sufficient to justify Mr. Pagliano’s intention to assert his Fifth Amendment rights,”  wrote attorney Mark MacDougall, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

Judicial Watch recently won permission to interrogate Pagliano at a deposition hearing for a public records lawsuit it filed earlier this year. However, he apparently does not intend to cooperate, probably because he realizes that everything his former boss ordered him to do was illegal.

“It is unfortunate the public’s right to know is being hampered,” Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said in a statement. “These court filings are further evidence of the legal mess caused by Mrs. Clinton’s email system.”


The continued obstinacy from both Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and both her current and former staff members speaks volumes.

Note that the Justice Department has granted Pagliano immunity, meaning that he could not be prosecuted in a subsequent criminal proceeding. Yet he intends to remain silent nevertheless in an obvious bid to protect Clinton.

Moreover, according to Joseph diGenova, a former U.S. Attorney for the District of Colombia, Pagliano will be allowed to engage in this clear-cut intransigence.

“Because it’s a separate judicial proceeding, he has a right to invoke the Fifth Amendment,” diGenova explained, adding that the judge presiding over the case would likely also approve his request that he not be videotaped trying to hide the truth.

So not only does this sleazeball want to hide the truth, but he also wants to make sure the public never finds out about it. At this rate, linguists might as well go ahead and designate “Clinton aide” a synonym for criminal.

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