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Trump adviser: Wikileaks plotting email dump to derail Hillary

Jerome R. Corsi

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Aug. 15, 2016

NEW YORK – A top Trump adviser says his computer and personal bank accounts were hacked in retaliation for declaring publicly he believes Julian Assange of Wikileaks has a complete set of Hillary Clinton’s 30,000 scrubbed “private emails” and is preparing to release them to derail the Democratic Party nominee’s presidential campaign.

Roger Stone, co-author of the bestselling book “The Clintons’ War on Women” and a longtime friend of Trump, told WND in an interview that he has communicated directly with Assange.

“In the next series of emails Assange plans to release, I have reason to believe the Clinton Foundation scandals will surface to keep Bill and Hillary from returning to the White House,” he said.

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Stone noted Assange’s release of DNC-hacked emails just before the start of the party’s Philadelphia presidential nominating convention caused Debbie Wasserman Schultz to resign as DNC chairman for her favoring Clinton over challenger Bernie Sanders.

The next batch, Stone said, include Clinton’s communications with State Department aides Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin.

He said the hackers who penetrated his personal bank accounts managed to establish an online portal through which they began stealing money before they were detected and stopped.

“Major portions of the hard drive on my computer system were destroyed, erasing maybe permanently decades of email contacts and various writing projects that were yet in progress,” he said.

Stone told WND that while he has hired a team of computer experts to determine if his lost computer files can be recovered, he believes much of the damage is permanent, forcing him to move into a more highly secured computer environment.

In a speech Southwest Broward Republican Organization in Florida, published Aug. 9 by David Brock’s left-wing website Media Matters, Stone said he had “communicated with Assange.”

“I believe the next tranche of his documents pertain to the Clinton Foundation, but there is no telling what the October surprise may be,” he said.

Stone told WND that Assange “plans to drop at various strategic points in the presidential campaigns Hillary Clinton emails involving the Clinton Foundation that have yet to surface publically.”

“Assange claims the emails contain enough damaging information to put Hillary Clinton in jail for selling State Department ‘official acts’ in exchange for contributions to the Clinton Foundation and as a reward for Clinton Foundation donors becoming clients of Teneo, the consulting firm established by Bill Clinton’s White House ‘body man’ Doug Band,” he said.

“The Democrats are right to fear Assange’s next email drops will be devastating to Hillary.”

Stone, in an Info Wars interview last Friday with Alex Jones, first disclosed his computer and bank accounts had been hacked.

Clinton Foundation conflicts of interest

In May 2013, Politico broke the story that longtime Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin spent her final months at the State Department working as a “special government employee” in a part-time consultancy, beginning during her pregnancy in the summer of 2012, while she worked second job as a part-time consultant to Teneo.

The New York Post in September 2013 reported Abedin was being paid $355,000 as a consultant to Teneo while receiving $135,000 in government pay as a part-time consultant for Hillary Clinton.

The Washington Post revealed in an article published Aug. 27, 2015, that Abedin actually held four different jobs simultaneously, being paid also by the Clinton Foundation, where she was a contractor preparing for Hillary Clinton’s eventual transition from the State Department to the charity.

Last Thursday, CNN reported Mills, on June 19, 2012, while serving as chief of staff for Secretary of State Clinton, traveled to New York to interview candidates for top jobs in the Clinton Foundation.

‘The tangled web’

Last September, Citizens United published three Freedom of Information Act email releases that yielded dozens of Hillary Clinton emails that documented Mills and Abedin had been in regular contact with both the Clinton Foundation and with Doug Band via his email at his consulting firm, Teneo.

The decision by Citizens United to publish the emails in their entirety triggered a firestorm of criticism in the media. David Bossie, founder of Citizens United, said the emails show the “tangled web that is the State Department, Teneo, and the Clinton Foundation.”

“The Clinton Foundation had a direct line to Hillary Clinton’s former chief of staff at the State Department, seeking her advice on lucrative speaking invitations for former President Bill Clinton outside of the department’s normal ethics process, according to emails that surfaced in a federal lawsuit,” reporter Rachael Bade wrote in Politico on Sept. 30, 2015, in an article titled “Clinton’s chief of staff gave advice to Clinton Foundation.”

“Foundation officials sought guidance from Cheryl Mills, a longtime Clinton lawyer and friend, on whether the former president should accept paid speaking gigs in countries that could have presented public relations problems, including a North Korea appearance that the nonprofit said Hillary Clinton’s brother was pushing, the emails show,” Bade continued.

Noting that Mills sat on the Clinton Foundation board before becoming the State Department’s No. 2 employee, Bade commented that “Mills’ involvement with some of the most sensitive speaking requests shows that top foundation officials felt comfortable seeking advice directly from Hillary Clinton’s closest adviser and consulted her privately on speaking requests involving hundreds of thousands of dollars.”

Bade also reported that the attorney for Mills, Beth Wilkinson, a partner at Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP, argued that her client simply gave advice and did not officially approve the arrangements, insisting no State Department rules had been broken.

“A member of Hillary Clinton’s staff at the Department of State emailed classified information about the government in Congo to a staffer at the Clinton Foundation in 2012,” wrote Alana Goodman in a September 2015 Washington Free Beacon article commenting on one of the emails Citizens United published.

Goodman reported Mills sent the email to the Clinton Foundation foreign policy director, Amitabh Desai, on July 12, 2012, commenting that the FOIA-released email had been partially redacted because it included “foreign government information” that has been classified as “Confidential” by the State Department.

“The message could add to concerns from congressional and FBI investigators about whether former Secretary Clinton and her aides mishandled classified information while at the State Department,” Goodman reported. “The email, which discussed the relationship between the governments in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo, was originally drafted by Johnnie Carson, the State Department’s assistant secretary for African affairs, who sent it to Mills’ State Department email address.”

Goodman further reported that Mills later forwarded the full message to Desai along with “talking points” for former President Bill Clinton shortly before he was scheduled to visit the region.


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