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The Obama administration and Clinton to Obama era department of so-called 'justice' is the most corrupt ever in American history and the legislative branch has never been so impotent.

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August 11, 2016


America has always been as corrupt as it would appear to be at this present moment, with one exception, there was no Internet 30 years ago to get the truth out with." Actually, the thing called America, is perhaps the most evil empire that has ever existed on this planet in recent history, which could only have been made possible by a nation of willing dupes, knaves, and sycophantic brainless twits whose only claim to fame is having thoroughly mastered the art of  'applied cognitive dissonance'

Most corrupt federal government in US history. It is a huge organized crime syndicate

Newly released Clinton emails shed light on relationship between State Dept. and Clinton Foundation

Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group, released 296 pages of emails from the Democratic presidential nominee, including 44 that Judicial Watch says were not previously handed over to the State Department by Clinton. The emails, many of which are heavily redacted, raise questions about the Clinton Foundation’s influence on the State Department and its relations during her tenure.

REVEALED: Obama DOJ Blocked Clinton Foundation Investigation

It has been revealed that while federal investigators were probing Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server during her tenure as Secretary of State, the Obama Justice Department denied an FBI request to investigate the Clinton Foundation.

“The FBI went to Justice Department earlier this year asking for it to open a case into the foundation, but the public integrity unit declined,” CNN breaking news writer Daniella Diaz reported Wednesday.

This bombshell comes on the heels of an explosive revelation found in the release of nearly 300 pages of emails belonging to then-Secretary of State Clinton that shine a spotlight on the crony connections Clinton facilitated between the State Department and her family foundation.

As Breitbart News reported, email exchanges, uncovered by government watchdog group Judicial Watch, as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, reveal Clinton aids conducted favors for Clinton Foundation personnel, while another email exchange saw senior Clinton staffers putting Clinton Foundation mega-donors in contact with top State Department officials.

Schweizer: ‘There Are More Emails’ About the Clinton Foundation, State Dept ‘Doing the Bidding of the Clintons’

On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Kelly File,” Breitbart editor at large and author of “Clinton Cash” Peter Schweizer stated that there are more emails pertaining to the Clinton Foundation that will come out and that “The State Department’s not doing the bidding of the American people. They’re doing the bidding of the Clintons, and it has to stop.”

Schweizer said newly-released emails regarding the Clinton Foundation are “further confirmation to what we’ve been talking about for more than a year, that there’s been pay to play at the Clinton State Department related to the Clinton Foundation, and the Clintons have failed to deal with any of the substance of these issues.”

Trump Campaign Urging Voters To Sign Petition Demanding DOJ Take Advice From FBI To Investigate Clinton Foundation

Just got an email from Trump Campaign

Once again, the Department of Justice has protected Hillary Clinton. Earlier this year the DOJ denied a request from the FBI to investigate her pay-to-play, corrupt Clinton Foundation.

News of its rejection comes immediately after leaked emails exposed a concerning link between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department!

Sign our DOJ Petition

U.S. Department of Justice

950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20530-0001

We The People demand that the Department of Justice (DOJ) take the advice of the FBI and open an investigation into the Clinton Foundation.

DoJ – Raymond Hulser – Mike brown – clinton corruptuon

Doing more research. In a nut shell, DoJ didn’t pursue investigation against Clintons. Public integrity chief Raymond Hulser who oversaw Mike brown (the other one) case and went easy was in responsible for no investigation call. Major connection to Clintons and DNC.

Dig deep in this. We got em nailed.

Michael Brown Goes Free: Nov. 1997

Hulser’s own words circa 2004. Have Hillary on corruption and Obama on illegal immigration spot on.

The Obama and Crooked Hillary Clinton scandals make Watergate look like a joke. And the Obama DOJ may be the most corrupt in history.

FBI IRS Scandal Documents: Obama IRS Waited Years to Tell Truth

Following up on some mega disclosures last week, Judicial Watch released 105 pages of newly obtained FBI “302” documents revealing that, beginning in 2010 and lasting through the Obama reelection campaign in 2012, the IRS orchestrated a deliberate policy of burying conservative groups’ tax-exemption applications in bureaucratic delays.

Interviews with numerous Cincinnati IRS employees in mid-2013 reveal that “Tea Party” group applications were automatically denied approval and assigned to a special “Group 7822” for an extended “inventory” process while waiting for decisions from IRS headquarters in Washington, DC.

One IRS manager “asked why progressive cases were not segregated similarly to the Tea Party cases, but she did not get any satisfactory answers.” FBI 302 documents are detailed narratives of FBI investigation interviews. The Obama Justice Department and FBI investigations into the Obama IRS scandal resulted in no criminal charges.

According to a Cincinnati “Group Manager” interview in July of 2013:

Group 7822 was composed of 12 to 15 people and was simply a place for the Tea Party cases to be held in inventory while the agent waited to receive guidance from the Washington office. There had been no precedence previously on these issues. If the case said it supports politics and political activity, it would be put into Group 7822. [Redacted] and then [Redacted] held the cases in inventory.

A second Cincinnati Group Manager interviewed in July 2013 told the FBI 302 interviewers a similar story, pinning the blame directly on the IRS Washington headquarters:

In the 14-month period when [Redacted] had the cases, he would ask for updates on guidance and was told they were still waiting on DC. He recalls receiving emails with contradictory guidance on whether the 501-c-3 or 501-c-4 cases should be denied. It was his understanding that a team would come and work the Tea Party cases when the guidance was provided … Nobody told him directly where the delay was in resolving the Tea Party issue. DC is like a black hole.

Democrat Plot to Prop-Up ‘Never Trump’ Republican Revealed

Balitmore, with Obamas help, will now fight crime by not enforcing laws! Liberal Logic!

The Justice Department explicitly condemned many long-standing discriminatory enforcement practices by Baltimore police that allowed for illegal searches, arrests and stops of African Americans for minor offenses. But the highly critical report is also an indictment of “zero tolerance” and “broken windows” policing, which seek to quell crime by targeting minor offenses. Once heralded as groundbreaking crime-fighting strategies, they are now the subject of intense scrutiny amid the national debate over racially biased law enforcement.

Democratic Strategist Calls For The Assassination Of Julian Assange

GOP: Obama endorsement undercuts Clinton FBI email probe

FOX NEWS REPORTS: DNC Murder Mystery – Seth Rich Was Shot 2 Weeks Before Convention