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Aug. 8, 2016

A retired US General and former Undersecretary of Defense just dropped a massive bomb on Hillary that will land her straight into jail.

In an interview with Breitbart News Radio, Army General Jerry Boykin was talking about the list of undercover CIA agent names being found on Hillary Clinton’s private email server. General Boykin said:


“What Hillary Clinton has done, I can tell you, it is … punishable by jail time. I think ultimately she’s going be indicted. She has to be. This cannot stand.”

He is dead right too. Because what he said next will chill you to the very bone:

“The lives that have been endangered — look, most people think that our sources are compromised by spies. No. Our sources can be compromised by the mishandling of classified information that gives … China and Russia and even North Korea access through cyber attacks to the names of the people that are helping us and the sources and methods that we’re using to get that intelligence. People can be killed as a result of that!”

So apparently the Butcher of Benghazi wanted to take even more of America’s top military and espionage personnel than she already has. And if she is allowed into the Oval Office, she will.






Because Hillary believes, in her world, that she can do what ever she wants anytime she wants and she’s above the law and answers to NO ONE she has placed American citizens as well as our allies abroad in grave danger. She says it best, when asked if she received permission to have a private email and private server in her home, her own words, “I didn’t need permission because it was allowed”. She lied to the faces of the American people when she also said that the FBI was performing some kind of security review, in which the FBI director stated, ” We are doing an INVESTIGATION, I’ve never even heard the term security review”. Every phase of this investigation being regarding Hillary Clintons private email and server she has continuously lied, lied and lied. She looked at each family member of our 4 brave American hero’s directly in their eyes and lied, lied and lied then she did her deceit media tour and said without hesitation that the families lied, lied and lied. She is a liar, a thief, a protector of a convicted pedophile and an enabler of a sexual predator and she is a traitor to her own country, she has taken millions of dollars from foreign governments for favors while holding the 4th highest position, next to the President, as Secretary Of States, her Clinton foundation is nothing but a slush fund of dirty money. She should never be allowed to hold another position within the Federal government or any public office ever again.