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Jerome R. Corsi

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Juy 12, 2016

With FBI Director James Comey’s Tuesday announcement, Hillary Clinton has almost certainly avoided criminal charges for her email scandal.

Big deal.

Hillary and Bill Clinton have been eluding deserved criminal charges for years, according to the author of the explosive new book “Partners in Crime: The Clintons’ Scheme to Monetize the White House for Personal Profit.”

“I wrote ‘Partners in Crime’ because it became clear to me that the Clinton Foundation is a criminal operation,” Jerome Corsi, a WND senior staff writer and New York Times bestselling author, said in an interview. “It’s set up like a charity, so it defrauds people all over the world to think that they’re contributing to a good cause.”

However, unsuspecting donors are more likely than not contributing directly to the Clintons and their friends, according to Corsi. As he points out in his book, the Clinton Foundation was initially established and granted IRS federal tax-exempt status to build a presidential library in Little Rock, Arkansas. However, it was soon used for other purposes as well, even though it had no authorization to collect charitable donations for any purpose other than the library’s construction.

One such purpose was ostensibly combating HIV/AIDS in the Third World. However, as Corsi explains in his book, the Clinton Foundation illegally diverted more than $75 million in UNITAID funds from their intended purpose, which was to prevent, treat and diagnose HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in Third World countries. That money likely went to the Clintons’ personal use.

Further, the Clintons arranged to buy defective generic drugs for Third World AIDS patients, and they appear not to have followed through to make sure those drugs actually reached AIDS patients and made a difference in the fight against HIV.

Another purpose for which the Clintons used their foundation was earthquake relief in India following a devastating 2001 quake in the western part of the country. Bill Clinton helped establish the American India Foundation to assist India, but he subsequently diverted substantial funds to himself and his cronies.

Moreover, the AIF was not even registered in many states as a nonprofit organization with authority to raise charitable donations, although it raked in millions of dollars in those states.

Order your copy of No. 1 New York Times best-selling author Jerome Corsi’s newest blockbuster, “Partners in Crime: The Clinton’s Scheme to Monetize the White House for Personal Profit,” now in stock – weeks ahead of the official Aug. 2, 2016 release date – only at the WND Superstore!

These are just two of the many Clinton scams Corsi describes in “Partners in Crime.”

“As you examine, and as I do, in ‘Partners in Crime’ the scams, the siphoning of money out of the Clinton Foundation, the shell corporations that Bill Clinton has set up so he can pass money through to himself out of the foundation or around the foundation, [you realize] that this is a criminal operation,” Corsi declared. “The crime includes inurement, which means running a charity for personal gain.”

Fortunately, Americans are not powerless to end this Clinton corruption. Corsi encourages readers to take the issue to the attorney general of their state.

“The crimes are also state crimes, and the Clinton Foundation can be closed down if you as readers take any one of these complaints and present it in a formal way to the state attorney general where you live and demand, start a movement demanding that the state investigate criminally the Clinton Foundation and shut the foundation down nationally until your state investigation is completed,” Corsi urged.

The author promised to stand with any readers who fight the Clinton Foundation.

“We will be creating websites, we’ll be on Facebook, we’re going to be on Twitter,” Corsi promised. “We are going to have a campaign to expose Hillary and Bill Clinton as criminals in the Clinton Foundation. That’s the whole purpose of this book ‘Partners in Crime.'”

Copyright 2016 WND

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With FBI Director James Comey’s Tuesday announcement, Hillary Clinton has almost certainly avoided criminal charges for her email scandal.

Big deal.

Hillary and Bill Clinton have been eluding deserved criminal charges for years, according to the author of the explosive new book “Partners in Crime: The Clintons’ Scheme to Monetize the White House for Personal Profit.”

“I wrote ‘Partners in Crime’ because it became clear to me that the Clinton Foundation is a criminal operation,” Jerome Corsi, a WND senior staff writer and New York Times bestselling author, said in an interview. “It’s set up like a charity, so it defrauds people all over the world to think that they’re contributing to a good cause.”

However, unsuspecting donors are more likely than not contributing directly to the Clintons and their friends, according to Corsi. As he points out in his book, the Clinton Foundation was initially established and granted IRS federal tax-exempt status to build a presidential library in Little Rock, Arkansas. However, it was soon used for other purposes as well, even though it had no authorization to collect charitable donations for any purpose other than the library’s construction.

One such purpose was ostensibly combating HIV/AIDS in the Third World. However, as Corsi explains in his book, the Clinton Foundation illegally diverted more than $75 million in UNITAID funds from their intended purpose, which was to prevent, treat and diagnose HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in Third World countries. That money likely went to the Clintons’ personal use.

Further, the Clintons arranged to buy defective generic drugs for Third World AIDS patients, and they appear not to have followed through to make sure those drugs actually reached AIDS patients and made a difference in the fight against HIV.

Another purpose for which the Clintons used their foundation was earthquake relief in India following a devastating 2001 quake in the western part of the country. Bill Clinton helped establish the American India Foundation to assist India, but he subsequently diverted substantial funds to himself and his cronies.

Moreover, the AIF was not even registered in many states as a nonprofit organization with authority to raise charitable donations, although it raked in millions of dollars in those states.

Order your copy of No. 1 New York Times best-selling author Jerome Corsi’s newest blockbuster, “Partners in Crime: The Clinton’s Scheme to Monetize the White House for Personal Profit,” now in stock – weeks ahead of the official Aug. 2, 2016 release date – only at the WND Superstore!

These are just two of the many Clinton scams Corsi describes in “Partners in Crime.”

“As you examine, and as I do, in ‘Partners in Crime’ the scams, the siphoning of money out of the Clinton Foundation, the shell corporations that Bill Clinton has set up so he can pass money through to himself out of the foundation or around the foundation, [you realize] that this is a criminal operation,” Corsi declared. “The crime includes inurement, which means running a charity for personal gain.”

Fortunately, Americans are not powerless to end this Clinton corruption. Corsi encourages readers to take the issue to the attorney general of their state.

“The crimes are also state crimes, and the Clinton Foundation can be closed down if you as readers take any one of these complaints and present it in a formal way to the state attorney general where you live and demand, start a movement demanding that the state investigate criminally the Clinton Foundation and shut the foundation down nationally until your state investigation is completed,” Corsi urged.

The author promised to stand with any readers who fight the Clinton Foundation.

“We will be creating websites, we’ll be on Facebook, we’re going to be on Twitter,” Corsi promised. “We are going to have a campaign to expose Hillary and Bill Clinton as criminals in the Clinton Foundation. That’s the whole purpose of this book ‘Partners in Crime.'”

Copyright 2016 WND

Article printed from WND: