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jUNE 10K, 2016

She knows “Billy” Clinton better than almost anyone in the country. She’s been following the Clintons’ rise to power since their early days in Arkansas. And now, bestselling author Dolly Kyle has a blunt verdict about Hillary Clinton’s nomination as the Democratic Party’s candidate for president – it’s a disgrace.

“Hillary Clinton’s nomination shames women,” she told WND. “Hillary is a woman who came to power the oldest way in history – clutching the coattails of a man. To do this, she had to be more than an enabler when it came to covering for Billy’s crimes and aggression against women.”

Kyle was the childhood friend of “Billy” Clinton and eventually carried on a lengthy love affair with the future president. The affair only ended when she was threatened after the relationship threatened to pose problems for Bill Clinton’s presidential run.

She outlines her remarkable experiences with the Clintons and the horrible history of the former first couple in her new book,  “Hillary: The Other Woman,” which is rocketing up the charts to become one of the bestselling books in the country in any category.

Kyle’s extraordinary personal story is now surging on The hardcover has reached No. 1 in the category of “Presidents & Heads of State Biographies.” Meanwhile, the Kindle edition is now the top political biography in the country in any category.

Kyle is well acquainted with the Clintons’ campaigns against women who cross them, including the actions of the woman who wants to be president.

Hillary Clinton, WND previously reported Kyle confirmed, was nicknamed by Bill Clinton “The Warden.”

“Billy called her ‘the warden,’ but inside the gates at his prison compound/mansion, all the guards were definitely on his side,” she wrote, adding that the troopers who worked for the governor enjoyed using the term for Hillary as well.

“Hillary participated in threatening women who posed a threat to their power beginning with lovely Arkansas co-ed Marla Crider in 1974. Hillary intimidated Juanita Broaddrick into silence after Attorney General Bill Clinton raped the woman whose very livelihood was under the control of the attorney general’s office. She let Billy cheat on her for decades with possibly thousands of women, without repercussions. She used her sniveling sycophant Sidney Blumenthal (of Benghazi video fame) to plant false stories about me in national publications.”

Kyle blasted the central narrative of the Hillary Clinton campaign by charging the candidate is a disgraceful role model for women.

“What kind of example is that for self-respecting women?” Kyle asked? “For her daughter Chelsea Clinton? What kind of example is that for feminists, or people who are supposed to believe women are equal?”

Kyle also argued the mainstream media is complicit in presenting a false image of Hillary Clinton as a hero for women.

“I notice Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump’s accomplished and beautiful daughter and campaign surrogate, is always being asked about what she thinks about her father’s conduct toward women,” she noted. “Is it interesting that no one ever asks Chelsea Clinton what she thinks about her father’s conduct toward women, or what she thinks about her mother’s enabling of it?”

The NATIONWIDE SENSATION which is rocking the 2016 election. “Hillary: The Other Woman,” the explosive new book exposing the horrible history of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Available now at the WND Superstore.

Kyle is an unlikely figure to be at the center of a political firestorm and insists she wanted no part of the 2016 campaign. She wanted to leave her troubled relationship with “Billy” Clinton in the past. However, a single hypocritical action by Hillary Clinton forced her to take action.

“As I’ve said before, I wrote this book and put myself out there because I couldn’t believe it when Hillary Clinton said women who claim they have been raped and sexually assaulted should be listened to and believed,” she told WND. “Hillary’s brash, televised, hypocritical statement about rape victims shows her complete lack of shame, and such a complete lack of self-awareness that it borders on sociopathy. Voting for Hillary is essentially voting to say we don’t believe that victims of rape or sexual assault deserve sympathy or compassion … or even a fair hearing. Look at the video of Hillary laughing about the rape of a 12-year-old girl in Arkansas back in the day. Hillary’s campaign is built upon the premise that certain people, like Hillary and her erstwhile husband, get to behave any way they want, with no accountability or morality. Their victims are nothing but trash beneath their feet on the path to power.”

For that reason, Kyle says she doesn’t just oppose Hillary Clinton politically, but as a woman. Hillary, she charges, has profited by deliberately destroying her husband’s victims.

“I don’t think Hillary Clinton’s nomination is a credit to women,” she laments. “It’s a moment of shame, a moment of humiliation.

“Again, what are Hillary Clinton’s accomplishments?” she asked. “What has defined her life is that she married a man and let him disgrace their marriage again and again. She not only allowed but helped him victimize innocent women again and again. She then used his position to launch her own political career. Hillary Rodham would be nothing without Billy Clinton. Who can call her a woman of accomplishment? Hillary is an opportunist and a profiteer of Billy’s entire sordid career.”

Kyle reacted harshly to the news Sen. Elizabeth Warren had finally endorsed Clinton and declared herself “ready to jump in this fight.”

Warren was one of the more prominent female politicians who had thus far remained neutral in the Democratic Party primary.

“Elizabeth Warren used to bash Hillary for defending the interests of corrupt Wall Street banks,” Kyle noted scornfully.

“I suppose she doesn’t really believe that anymore, but what’s even more remarkable is the way she too is buying into this narrative of Hillary Clinton as a defender of women,” Kyle added. “She’s really just an apologist for the Clintons’ predatory behavior now. How anyone with information and integrity can take Hillary or Elizabeth seriously, I don’t know.”

Kyle urged all Americans, especially women, to read the book so they can understand the full history of the Clintons’ predatory behavior.

“I’d especially challenge Elizabeth Warren,” Kyle said. “She deserves to know exactly who she is supporting.”

The NATIONWIDE SENSATION which is rocking the 2016 election. “Hillary: The Other Woman,” the explosive new book exposing the horrible history of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Available now at the WND Superstore.



Article printed from WND: