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 May 8, 2016

Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump is putting Hillary Clinton on notice: You’re next. And a new release from WND Books may play a critical part in his forthcoming attacks on the past of the woman he calls “Crooked Hillary.”

Having vanquished his GOP rivals, Trump is taking aim at the Democratic front-runner and the target-rich Clinton record. Trump told the Washington Post he would target Clinton’s past, because “her past is really the thing, rather than what she plans to do in the future.”

Trump characterized Clinton’s record as having “a lot of problems.”

Some of the attacks will focus on policy. And because of Trump’s idiosyncratic candidacy, Trump will be using criticisms not typically heard from a Republican. Trump is already hammering Hillary for her support of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which Trump called “perhaps in the history of the world, the worst trade deal.”

Trump’s strategy is to bring out so called “Reagan Democrats” in states such as Ohio and Pennsylvania, a possibility even Democratic senators such as Bob Casey are taking seriously.

But Trump is also likely to bring up the personal history of the Clintons.

Trump recently met with Ed Klein, a reporter who has investigated the allegations against Bill Clinton of sexual assault and against Hillary Clinton of slandering, threatening and intimidating the accusers to silence them.

Dolly Kyle

One woman deeply familiar with the Clintons’ predatory patterns is Dolly Kyle, who has known “Billy” since they were both children. Kyle was Clinton’s childhood sweetheart and on-again-off-again girlfriend up until the early 1990s.

She believes Trump may be able to open the floodgates and finally force the media to cover the Clintons’ long history of abusive behavior.

“Billy Clinton is an untreated sex addict and serial rapist, serial sex abuser,” alleged Kyle. “He’s a sexual predator and Hillary is complicit in all of that. I’m over being outraged about it because I’ve been watching this for 40 years and at this point I’m so sick of them I could puke. But the fact of the matter is, it did outrage me when Hillary Clinton sat in front of the television cameras and said women who have been raped and sexually assaulted should be believed. That was actually the last straw that made me want to write this book. She says women who were raped or sexually assaulted should be believed – unless, of course, it’s Billy who did it.”

Kyle says Bill Clinton benefited from a culture in which many rapes and sexual assaults were simply never reported. Now, she says, that culture of silence is changing, even among the feminists who traditionally have defended the Clintons.

“In the book, I talk about the National Organization for Women and how their traditional stance on abortion has overridden everything,” Kyle told WND. “Now that they are celebrating their 50th anniversary, they are finally coming around to embracing more issues. And one of the huge issues is rape and sexual assault. Younger women appear to be catching on to that. Older women, some of whom may have been raped or sexually assaulted and never reported it, are still in some kind of denial.”

The truth is even worse than what you thought. “Hillary: The Other Woman,” the explosive new book exposing the horrible history of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Available now at the WND Superstore.

Kyle blasted what she called a pattern of terrorism the Clintons have been practicing for decades.

“If you look at the definition of terrorism, it is using violence, threats and intimidation for political aims,” she charged. “That’s exactly what Hillary Clinton has done ever since she started threatening Marla Crider in 1974!”

Crider was a volunteer for Bill Clinton whom Kyle says became romantically involved with the candidate. Following his familiar pattern of letting women fight over him, Bill allowed Hillary to wage what Kyle calls “a campaign of threats and intimidation” against Crider to force the end of the relationship.

Kyle said there is far more material for Trump to go into.

“One of the chapters of my book literally lists all of these incredible Clinton scandals in alphabetical order,” Kyle said. “The information is out there. It’s hidden in plain sight. The issues about the racial discrimination lawsuits filed against Clinton, financial scandals and so many other things that are there on the record, people don’t know about. Journalists should be embarrassed they haven’t looked into this. I truly hope that younger journalists, people who think of themselves as investigative reporters, will look into it.”

Kyle also details the Clintons’ tactics to make these kinds of scandals disappear from the mainstream media.

“Nothing new, what’s past is prologue, what they’ve done before they will do again,” she warned. “I know exactly what they are going to do, and I outline the truth-repression techniques they’ve been using to get away with everything for years. I talk about how the Clintons make stories disappear. I talk about my experiences with CNN and NBC and some others. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.”

Kyle hopes Trump can do what no one else can, which is break through the conspiracy of silence surrounding Hillary Clinton’s past.

The truth is even worse than what you thought. “Hillary: The Other Woman,” the explosive new book exposing the horrible history of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Available now at the WND Superstore.

“Most people I know are cowards,” Kyle said sadly. “Including our elected officials, which is why Donald Trump is making the impact that he is. People are sick of cowards in Washington. We have visions of the likes of Davy Crockett in Congress. That’s not what we have.”

Kyle told WND she simply wants the Clintons to finally go away and deal with their personal problems.

“I would like to see the American people say ‘enough,'” she said. “Bill and Hillary, go to a counselor and get some help. But don’t do it in the public. We are sick of your lies and your hypocrisy. We don’t want to hear anymore of it. Go away!”

NOTE: News media wishing to interview Dolly Kyle, please contact


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