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Maech 18, 2016

Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has had a difficult time earning the trust of Americans. Even die-hard liberals admit having a hard time trusting Clinton because of her terrible track record for telling the truth.

A recent photograph of Clinton has gone viral because it appeared that at the moment it was taken, cosmic forces of the universe aligned to reveal the true character of Clinton.

In the photo, Clinton was speaking at a rally. Members of the audience were undoubtedly holding signs shaped like letters of the alphabet to spell out “Hillary.”

However, when this picture was snapped, some letters were left out of the photo and Clinton was in front of the letter “L” to make it appear that the letters spell “LIAR”. The result was priceless:

People were having fun with the image online, but all kidding aside, this picture is the perfect advertisement for Clinton. We couldn’t have summed up the essence of this woman any better.

Among some of Clinton’s doozies include those involving the terror attack on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Lybia, where four Americans lost their lives. The former secretary of state said in testimony before the House Select Committee that the attack was the result of an anti-Islam video.

However, we learned later that she emailed her family the night of the attack and told them Al Qaeda-like terror group had stormed the compound.

Speaking of emails, Clinton also testified that “90 to 95 percent” of her emails were in the State Department system when pressed by Rep. Trey Gowdy during a hearing on the subject. (Nobody knows where she got that number.) Additionally, Clinton also claimed that no classified information was in the emails stored on her private server.

Clinton made the wild claim that when she and daughter, Chelsea, landed in Bosnia, they had to duck and cover in order to avoid sniper fire. In reality, the two landed safely without incident. When confronted with this lie, Clinton simply said she misspoke.

Clinton has even lied about lying.


Clinton’s lies are far too numerous to list here, but the following video shows Clinton doing what she best — lying:

One thing’s certain — anyone who can lie about so much so often cannot be trusted to be president of the United States.


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SEE VIDEO and photo of Hillary.