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Hillary Clinton Faces Life in Prison – Grand Jury Goes Rogue!


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Mar. 7, 2016

Stew Webb and Tom Heneghan put out two stories over the weekend containing VERY good news!  The military is involved with a secret Grand Jury that has now gone rogue.  Stew reports Loretta Lynch and her so called “Justice” department is breaking the law and trying their best to stop the Grand Jury investigation of Hillary Clinton and others!  This illegal action by Loretta Lynch has caused the Grand Jury to go rogue.  The good guys in our government are furious with Loretta Lynch’s attempt to stop the Grand Jury so they have now become a “Runaway Grand Jury” similar to the Grand Juries of the 1790s that indicted members of the John Adams administration for un-Constitutional activities.


Stew has asked all patriots to spread the linked articles and this interview to shed the light on Hillary’s crimes of releasing information on “Special Access Programs” (SAP) through her emails!

Here’s some snippets summarized in the audio interview below.

It can now be reported that former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is a major target of a Federal Grand Jury investigating Hillary’s total violation of the U.S. State Department’s Special Access Program (SAP) involving misuse of highly classified information,

Note: At this hour, hold overs in the U.S. Justice Department tied to former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder are trying to end run the Federal Grand Jury and allow a plea bargain deal for Hillary despite the fact that Hillary’s former aide and lesbian lover, and scumbag Anthony’s wife, Huma Abedin, has been indicted for violation of the Special Access Program involving the misuse of classified information.

Item: The bad news for Hillary is that the Federal Grand Jury has now become a runaway Grand Jury similar to the Grand Juries of the 1790s that blocked and indicted members of the John Adams administration for un-Constitutional activities involving the use by Adams of the un-Constitutional NAZI German-style Alien and Sedition Act.


Full Articles:


Hillary Clinton Target of Runaway Grand Jury


Hillary Clinton Faces Life in Prison!