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FW:  March 4, 2016

 (From Feb. 14, 2016)

An email reveals that as political leaders – from both the left and the right – were defending close Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin against legitimate concerns about her Muslim Brotherhood connections, Abedin was actively working behind the scenes to aid and abet the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria. The email – sent from Abedin to Clinton – is largely redacted but clearly shows Abedin using diplomatic channels to push for the resignation of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad in the summer of 2012.

It was the Muslim Brotherhood that would fill the vacuum, just as it did in Egypt and Libya.

Of the email, Andrew Perez of the International Business Times wrote:

One largely redacted email, sent to Clinton by her aide Huma Abedin, appears to focus on Washington’s push for a U.N. Security Council resolution calling for the resignation of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, following violent crackdowns on protesters, and on persuading Russia to support the effort. Both Russia and China vetoed such a resolution in 2012. Other emails with classified information show efforts to pass a similar measure in 2011.

Here is part of the email, dated July 17, 2012 in two screenshots:



Assad’s removal has been vehemently supported by the Muslim Brotherhood; it’s what the group’s Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF) was established to do.

In September of 2013, several prominent figures in the U.S. called for the removal of Assad in Syria. Karl Rove, Bill Kristol, and Clifford May were among them. While this position put them on the same side as Abedin, there is a critical factor relative to Abedin’s motivations that is not shared by those figures – or any of Hillary’s other close aides.

The removal of Assad is a policy matter but for Abedin, it’s very personal and once again shows how she is ideologically aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Rove supported removal of Assad in Syria.

Rove supported removal of Assad in Syria.

To understand the goals of the Brotherhood, one must start with the premise that nation states must disappear. It’s the same mentality that ISIS shares. The Brotherhood seeks the elimination of national borders – as does ISIS – in order to usher in an Islamic Caliphate. When the Roves and Kristols of the world call for the removal of Assad, they’re calling for the removal of a brutal dictator but when the Brotherhood calls for Assad’s removal, it simply wants to move closer to a Caliphate by replacing the likes of Assad with something much more sinister, brutal and fundamentalist.

As an apparatchik of the Muslim Brotherhood, that is what Abedin wants.

The letter sent by Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) to the State Department IG’s office inquiring about Abedin’s Muslim Brotherhood connections was dated June 13, 2012. The most explosive excerpt included the following:

“…the Department’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin, has three family members – her late father, her mother and her brother – connected to Muslim Brotherhood operatives and/or organizations. Her position affords her routine access to the Secretary and to policy-making.”

In light of the email about Syria sent by Abedin to Clinton, which was redacted by the State Department for its classified content, it’s clear that Abedin was very involved in policy-making. This reality debunks Dana Milbank’s defense of Abedin in 2012. Milbank responded to Bachmann’s concerns by equating Abedin to little more than a gopher for Clinton.

Bachmann’s concerns didn’t seem to get noticed by the media until the following month, when Muslim congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN) called attention to it on July 10th.

On July 18, McCain denounced Bachmann and defended Abedin:

One day later, on July 19, Rubio denounced Bachmann and lauded Abedin as a “patriotic American”, despite his being a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee:

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As the likes of McCain and Rubio were defending Abedin against Bachmann’s legitimate concerns, Abedin was validating those concerns via email. Abedin’s Muslim Brotherhood connections are irrefutable. That is what makes this email so damning for her. Any Muslim Brotherhood spy / infiltrator of the U.S. Government would hold exactly the same position relative to Assad. This is also what has made Republican leaders like John McCain and Marco Rubio witting or unwitting accessories to the Muslim Brotherhood.

The difference is that Abedin’s background makes her anything but unwitting.