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Saturday   January 16, 2016

Kerry Cohen 'Skull and Bones' Fraud is BushFRAUD

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert


UNITED States of America   -   It can now be reported that the $159 BILLION payment to Iran involving the lifting of sanctions involved a major embezzlement and money laundry tied to the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols that is being orchestrated by the illegal Obama Administration with John Kerry 'Skull and Bones' Cohen, George W. BushFRAUD's 3rd cousin, and year 2004 electoral patsy, operating as bagman.

The Bush-Clinton-Obama Crime Syndicate want to use the Central Bank of Iran and the Bank of Israel, along with the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve, to turn $159 BILLION into $27.5 TRILLION of ass-backwards derivatives aka a "Bail Out" of British-owned HSBC of Hong Kong and Bush-controlled German NAZI Deutsche Bank.



This money laundry aka ponzi scheme involving U.S. Treasury funds is supposed to begin Sunday night, January 17th, when the world financial markets open.



This is absolute FINANCIAL TREASON with sociopath Bill Clinton aka Doughnut Boy, his sociopath wife, loser and lesbian NAZI Jew Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, year 2000 illegal White House occupant, homosexual-in-the-closet George W. BushFRAUD, his enabler NAZI German former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, along with NAZI Jew current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, receiving commissions on this FINANCIAL TREASON involving the embezzlement of U.S. TREASURY FUNDS by this NAZI Jew Khazarian filth.

P.S.  The problem this filth faces, along with their crooked bank enablers aka Wells Fargo, Bank of America and British-owned HSBC of Hong Kong.

Their derivative ratios are ass-backwards and there is NO real cash or real infusion available given the bankruptcy of Chinese and Japanese banks with algorithms gone hybrid.

In closing, the NAZI Jew homosexual mafia continues to be fingered aka homosexual Lindsey Graham endorsing year 2000 election stealer Jeb Bush.

Question to faggot Lindsey Graham:  Are you going to have a date with homosexual George W. BushFRAUD along with his male lovers Victor Ashe and his homosexual body builder Jeff Gannon?

We can also divulge that little Texas bitch Ted Cruz is ac-dc and a closet homosexual with a "beard marriage" and was a willing participant for years as Barney Frank's homosexual whorehouse in Washington, D.C.

Message to Cruz:  You directly participated, you little bitch, in the yer 2000 coup d' 'etat that stole the U.S. presidency from now year 2000 U.S. CONSTITUTION DULY ELECTED, natural born President Albert Gore Jr. of Carthage, Tennessee.

Further direct message to bitch Cruz:  The state of New York along with the Tennessee and Michigan flag officers will turn the TREASONOUS state of Texas into an sinkhole.

Reference:  The criminal TREASON committed by the filthy state of Texas in removing Thomas Jefferson from the history books on behalf of a born again protestant minister.  HOW DARE YOU!


Clinton era White House prostitute Susan has gone public with the German magazine Der Speigel outlining her countless sexual liaison with then First Lady loser and lesbian and Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate stooge Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton.

Finally, direct message to neo-NAZI Marco Rubio, Republican of Florida:  You are so concerned, you little bitch, with alleged U.S. NSA spying on Israel but you are not concerned, you little bitch, with the NSA-Israeli Mossad-BushFRAUD illegal spying on the American People.

Note:  Your ass is grass, bitch! Repeat after me: Albert Gore Jr. is the U.S. CONSTITUTION DULY ELECTED, natural born REAL President of the United States.  So kneel down and do it now!

DULY ELECTED President Albert Gore Jr.

awaits inauguration,

the Supreme Law of the United States,

our U.S. Constitution, demands it!





As we live free or die, Lafayette remains at Brandywine and

Albert Gore Jr. remains the year 2000,


natural born REAL President of the United States.


Al Gore on Restoring the Rule of Law