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Jan. 8, 2016

Grassfire just got news of a bombshell revelation that not only could torpedo Hillary Clinton's White House aspirations, this shocker could send the former Secretary of State to prison. Please see below.



Friday afternoon:



Wow! Could investigators have found the "smoking gun" that derails Democrat frontrunner Hillary Clinton's White House run? Or could it even send her to jail? Early this morning, the State Department released 2,900 pages of emails (1,262 messages) from the former Secretary of State. More than 60 were "classified" to some degree.


Clinton has been under fire since it was revealed she used a private email server the entire time she served as Secretary of State (2009 to 2013). Despite claiming that she never used her personal email to send and receive classified material, investigators have now found 1,340 classified messages on that private server.


Perhaps the most damaging of this new batch is an email, in which Clinton seemingly instructs her staff to break the law. FOX News reports:


(O)ne email thread from June 2011 appears to include Clinton telling her top adviser Jake Sullivan to send secure information through insecure means. In response to Clinton's request for a set of since-redacted talking points, Sullivan writes, "They say they've had issues sending secure fax. They're working on it." Clinton responds, "If they can't, turn into nonpaper w(ith) no identifying heading and send nonsecure."



According to federal public records law, Clinton, Sullivan and anyone else who transmits classified material through nonsecure means can be charged with a felony. If that secure fax WAS sent via nonsecure means, could today's revelation be the bombshell that sinks her political campaign -- and even sends her to prison?


Grassfire wants to know what you think. Should Hillary Clinton be imprisoned for mishandling classified government information? Cast your vote in our one-question QUICK POLL!







Click here or on the "YES" image below if you think Hillary Clinton should face charges and a possible prison sentence for violating federal records law.


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