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Lucianne Goldberg: Bill's 'bimbos' ... 'they're back!'


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Bill Clinton’s famous public denial of “sexual relations” with Monica Lewinsky Jan. 26, 1998

Lucianne Goldberg, one of the pivotal figures in the Monica Lewinsky affair that rocked Bill Clinton’s second term in office, is marveling at how the defining scandal of the late 1990s is now being resurrected as a result of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential bid.

“This is fun. I mean, everything old is new again,” Goldberg said in a recorded radio interview set to air Sunday night on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio.”

Lucianne Goldberg

“It’s amazing,” Goldberg said. “Because if you had listed the stars, if you want to call them that, from those days, they’re back again!

“I chatted with you on this subject; when we did do the arithmetic, we come up with almost 20 years ago. Some things never end,” Goldberg said.

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She was recalling when Klein, then editor-in-chief of his high school newspaper, had contacted Goldberg because he was interested in getting involved in the newly emerging independent Internet news media.

Goldberg, who worked as a literary agent in the 1990s, was the person who advised former White House staffer Linda Tripp to record hours of personal conversations with Lewinsky in which the young intern detailed her extensive affair with Clinton.

The recordings were central to the Lewinsky scandal, which became public when Matt Drudge reported on his young website,, that Newsweek editors had killed a story on the president’s affair.

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“So at the time there was a young man who is now one of the most powerful people in the world named Matt Drudge. We had both started websites together, and it was the pioneer days of the Internet,” Goldberg said.

“And a mutual friend said, ‘Call Matt Drudge. He’ll put it on his website. He doesn’t care about offending the Clintons.’ So I did, and he did, and the world exploded.”

‘Haunting’ Hillary

Now, Clinton’s former paramours and sexual-assault accusers are back in the limelight and are poised to become issues in the 2016 campaign.

Lewinsky has re-emerged as an anti-bullying crusader and has been made a Vanity Fair contributing editor.

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Kathleen Willey

Kathleen Willey, one of the women caught in the crossfire of alleged sexual harassment by Clinton and what she characterizes as acts of intimidation to silence her, took to Klein’s show last week to announce new plans to “haunt” Hillary Clinton throughout the 2016 presidential race and beyond.

The Clinton sex accuser used the interview to tease the Oct. 13 publication of a new book by bestselling author Roger Stone titled “The Clintons’ War on Women,” for which Willey wrote the forward.

And Willey said Stone just formed a new PAC called “Women Against Hillary,” with the author asking her to serve as the group’s national spokeswoman, a role Willey will accept, she revealed to Klein.

“It just never ends,” Goldberg said in her interview with “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” broadcast Sunday nights on New York’s AM 970 The Answer and NewsTalk 990 AM. The audio of the interview was obtained in advance by WND.

See the WND Superstore’s library on Hillary Clinton, including the revealing “Hillary Unhinged.”

“And I’m wondering if maybe some of these, they are getting a little super-attenuated now, but if some of these now middle-aged bimbos that came to me for representation in those days when they wanted to tell their stories about Bill (are planning to return). I mean, Gennifer Flowers, for instance.

“What could have happened that we don’t know their story? I mean, I thought they told us everything. But maybe not.”

The back story

Goldberg was an early prominent presence on the conservative website Free Republic in the late 1990s, but she left the site at about the same time that Drudge departed to establish his own website. Goldberg founded her own website,

Klein asked Goldberg to recount her role in the Lewinsky scandal.

“Linda Trip was working in the White House,” Goldberg related, “and she was actually, a lot of people don’t know this, the last person to see Vince Foster alive. And she was working as his assistant in the East Wing. He went out to lunch and said, ‘I’ll be back in a half an hour,’ and she never saw him again.

“So she was very close to the staff, on the staff. She was disgusted at what she was seeing, and she wanted to write a book about it.”

Click below to listen to Lucianne Goldberg’s interview with Aaron Klein:

Goldberg said Tripp had approached political commentator and future Bush White House Press Secretary Tony Snow, who connected Goldberg with Tripp.

Snow “came to me and said, ‘There is this very nice woman here who has a story about what Bill Clinton has been up to."

"And she wants to do a book about it but she doesn’t know how to get the story out or how to prove what she’s saying is true.’”

Goldberg said she told Tripp: “’You have got to do something that will prove absolutely what you are saying is true. You don’t have pictures. You don’t have sources. You don’t have anybody who will come forward. This Lewinsky woman clearly wouldn’t come forward.’

“So I said, ‘Well, what is your contact with her?’ And she said, ‘Well, I talk to her on the phone about three hours a day.’”

Continued Goldberg: “At that point, Hillary had smelled out this affair and had gotten Linda moved to the Pentagon, and Monica Lewinsky moved to the Pentagon for jobs so they wouldn’t be in the White House. So they spoke to each other, because at this point Lewinsky was madly in love with Bill Clinton and still having this affair when they could sneak around.

“So she said, ‘I talk to her on the phone.’ And I said, ‘Alright, go to Radio Shack. For $50 you can get a cheap tape recorder and plug it into your phone, and any time she calls you, turn it on.’ Which she did. And over a matter of months she amassed all these quite salacious tapes. Would you believe it, you can go to Amazon and buy them?”

Goldberg said Tripp then brought her the tapes and she took them to a publisher.

"But before I could do that, Michael Issikoff from Newsweek magazine found out about the story, and he intervened. And there never was a book. Most people don’t realize that Linda actually did not do a book.”

Goldberg said that despite the sensationalism of the scandal “at the time nobody would touch the story,” leading her to contact Drudge.

“Newsweek, even though the reporter had the story, they did not want to go up against Bill Clinton,” she told Klein.

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