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Sunday   October 11, 2015

The Clintons are CIA Stooges and Closet Republicans

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert








UNITED States of America   -   It can now be reported that Bradley Podliska, the retired Air Force intelligent officer, who is now attacking the Congressional Select Committee investigating the crimes committed in Benghazi, Libya, is a conservative republican with direct ties to the U.S. NSA NAZI Paperclip German Bush-Clinton intelligence cell operating in Hamburg, Germany.




The republican Podiska, who is now coming to the defense of NAZI Jew, former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton is also a member of Gordon Duff's Adamus Group, which is a NAZI Paperclip NSA espionage unit that works directly with FBI Director James Comey in illegally spying on the American People and also sponsors various NSA-controlled social media websites reference





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Note:  This reporter had one conversation with traitor Gordon Duff.  The conversation began when I mentioned that my father was awarded the Silver Star for his heroism on Omaha Beach in WWII.  I also mentioned that I was a member of the Silver Star Society of America.


Duff (German blood line not Scottish) immediately went into a rage claiming that NAZI Germany and Adolf Hitler were correct in starting WWII.


The conversation continued when Duff suddenly started attacking year 2000 duly elected, non-inaugurated, natural born President Albert Gore Jr.  Duff admitted the year 2000 presidential election was clearly stolen by the Bush Crime Family and the NSA but claimed it was a good thing to happen because Gore was "a loose cannon".  Duff then told me that he wanted Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton as president since the Clintons are nothing more than "white trash" interested in raw power and that the intelligence community wanted Hillary in the White House since she can easily be controlled.


P.S.  We can now divulge that Bradley Podliska, the NSA-CIA Adamus Group intelligence officer was fired by the Select Committee on Benghanzi after being fingered for leaking Select Committee evidence to Democratic National Chairman, NAZI Jew feminist Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, current USC law professor NAZI Jew feminazi  anti-Al Gore zealot, Susan Estrich and CNN reporter, NAZI Jew feminazi Dana Bash.


It is no longer an open secret to the majority of the Democratic Party that the Clintons are closet Republicans and CIA assets for over 40 years. 


Reference:  Retired U.S. Air Force officer Terry Reed's legendary book "Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA, which fingered the Clintons as co-conspirators, with George Herbert Walker Bush, in drug running and arms dealing out of Mena, Arkansas aka "Operation Deal Room".


Given the activities of current Congressman Kevin McCarthy, Republican of California, (recently tried to protect Hillary) and former Benghazi Select Committee member Republic Party operative Bradley Podliska, it is now obvious that the Republican Party desperately wants Hillary as the Democratic nominee.


Remember, Hillary is a total loser who takes orders from the corrupt rogue intelligence community along with the Israeli Mossad and the Bush Crime Family.



It is important to remember that the Republican cover up for the two Clintons dates back to the late 1990s when former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and then Bush Family crony, alleged Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr removed evidence of the Gary Best Inc "True Colors" private assassination teams (an outsourced paramilitary group) that were used by the Clintons to assassinate John F. Kennedy Jr. and one week later attempted to assassinate then Vice President now year 2000 duly elected non-inaugurated President Albert Gore Jr. over the skies of Chicago in July of 1999.

Note:  The patriotic U.S. Military recently confronted current Republican Congressman Kevin McCarthy with this evidence dealing with the privatized "True Colors" assassination teams, which led to McCarthy removing himself as a candidate for Speaker of the House.

NAZI Congressman and Bush Crime Family stooge Mac Thornberry, Republican of Texas, has also been obstructing justice in this matter of privatized assassination teams.

Message to Thornberry:  The U.S. Military is going to arrest you, you scumbag, treasonous punk.

I recently had a conversation with Adam Schiff, Democrat of California, who told me that it is the Democratic Party, not the Republican Party, that want the Clintons to go away.  He said "we are tired of their drama" and also admitted to me that the only support the Clintons have in the Democratic Party are the NAZI Hollywood Jews aka their chief fundraiser Haim Saban.  Saban is tied to NAZI Jew George Soros and FOX News CEO Rupert Murdoch.

In closing, the United States is within two (2) weeks of default as the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve has lost all credibility and lost control of the yield curve aka the U.S. Treasury bond market.

The inverted yield curve, which is tied to high yield grade credit spreads, are about to go hybrid and cause a default.

The implication for the U.S. economy and worldwide financial markets is that wide credit spreads and ascending downgrade and default risks will increase borrowing costs on undermargined ETFs and cross-collateralized derivatives, which will create a financial train wreck 1,000 times worse than the year 2008 BushFRAUD debacle!!!!

At this hour, U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew is calling for the U.S. debt ceiling to be increased.  The truth is Jack Lew, who is tied to none other than Adamus Group, wants a debt ceiling increase along with Fed Chairman Janet Yellen, to once again 'BAIL OUT' the crooked banks, example Bank of America, which has 90% liabilities aka worthless derivatives on their books.

How dare you, you conspiratorial tyrants and kings!


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"Al Qaeda is nothing more than an extension of the operatus linked to U.S. intelligence that was allowed, by script, to remove itself as a rogue break away entity of the U.S. government


allowed to de-compartmentalize from oversight, and was run instead by Gary Best rogue 'Black Ops' specialists for scripted activity outside of the U.S. government, with its funding being orchestrated through the Pakistani secret police,


an entity of the U.S. government itself." (2006)


~ Tom Heneghan, great American Patriot and International Intelligence Expert




Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a littleTemporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. (1755) 

 ~ Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father, great American Patriot


The Declaration of Independence

IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,



enhanced excerpt


But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty,  to throw off such Government, and to prove new Guards for their future security. (1776)  ~ Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father, great American Patriot, author of the Declaration of Independence and 3rd U.S. President







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As we live free or die, Lafayette remains at Brandywine and

Albert Gore Jr. remains the year 2000,

U.S. Constitution DULY ELECTED, non-inaugurated,

natural born  REAL President of the United States.


Al Gore on Restoring the Rule of Law



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