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HILLARY'S E-MAILS - THE IMPOSSIBLE CHINESE BLASTS - Federal government takes in $17,955 Per worker in ONLY 10 months!

Jim Stone

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Aug. 14, 2015



The mail box is just a diversion from this core fact!


The tribe controlled MSM is trying to pawn off the worst case of espionage in America's history as a "mishandled mail box!" The fact the NSA never found that mail box also proves that spooks inside that organization covered it all up!

Hillary's NSA spooks really are the story of the decade


Let me say this in a very simple way:


The NSA has been able to prove that Hillary had many many moles inside the NSA that used the great surveillance power of the NSA to steal America's secrets and hand them to the Chinese, the Israelis, and the Russians. These moles were so well entrenched and at such high level that they were able to use the NSA's own satellite uplink to send the classified data to Hillary. And if Hillary was able to get this done, who else was able to use the NSA as their own treasure trove of information? Having this happen clearly explains why almost ALL American companies are now Jewish owned, the Jews got EVERY PIECE OF INFORMATION THEY COULD POSSIBLY ASK FOR to assist in their final takeover and destruction of America. Nothing could be bigger or worse than that. It is GAME OVER.


And then we had the impossible Chinese blasts, right at the perfect time to take Hillary out of the news, people love fireworks and now that is all anyone cares about, and the story of the decade - the end of America for Americans goes down the toilet bowl in a great big swirling glurp.


I am not stupid at chemistry. The list of things that were given to cause the blasts does not add up, not even close. Carbide is practically an inert dust that is left laying around openly at steel mills, where melted blobs of metal often fly everywhere. The actual material being blamed for the blast is butanone. Butanone is airplane modeling glue. You know, that stuff they banned 20 years ago because "kids sniffed it". Believe me, if it could blow up THAT BADLY modeling glue would have leveled many bedrooms. And then we have a compound of arsenic, which had practically no potential for anything other than creating a nasty gas or burning on the ground, if that, with no boom potential at all.


So let me put it all together here, the story goes like this, if those were the only 3 items in question:


Someone managed to get a bunch of modeling glue burning. And it sat there and burned for 45 minutes (nasty fire there, tough job putting that out, but no boom potential in the context of how it was stored or to even one percent of that magnitude.)


After it burned for a good long time, enough to ensure everyone was watching, somehow some small explosions were touched off to get people to start filming. Then the MOAB or some other huge explosive device comes in, and blows the whole place to smithereens. Bam-o, perfect show for burying the biggest known act of treason in American history - Hillary's Wal-Mart of American secrets, open to the highest bidder. If the story is modeling glue, it does not wash for that type of explosion, it just does not work that way.


What would I believe for the Chinese blast?


I'd believe that blast if someone said five thousand gallons of acetone dissolved acetylene went off. I'd believe that blast if someone said an entire semi load of tetra hydrazine went off. But modeling glue? Whoever drew that connection should be sentenced to wearing an underwear hat at the stockade, to be buried under a mountain of rotten eggs and tomatoes. And that is why China sent nothing but weapons experts to the blast scene, 218 in total, because they are not stupid about this.


And WHY would this be done? Because a media diversion was needed to bury the fact that the NSA finally got into Hillary's hard drive, and found text strings that identify THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of classified documents that were ripped right out of the NSA's underground bases and from those bases Hillary's spooks sent them straight up to a satellite that Hillary had been handed the encryption keys for. Hillary had no clearance or authorization for that, this is a massive case of espionage blown wide open. And these text strings were found AFTER all the actual documents they came from were wiped from the hard drive during Hillary's cleanup, and were found as quotes and snips in discussion e-mails her staff overlooked during the cleanup. If Hillary does not fry for this over the next few days, you can bet on America being finished. This is the litmus test.


Federal government takes in $17,955 Per worker in ONLY 10 months!


Americans are the most taxed people on earth (when you consider they get zero in return, Europeans at least get a huge amount returned to them in the form of homes and other huge value items which make their high taxes irrelevant). Let me work this out to reality here:


IF the Federal Government took $17,955 in only 10 months (10 month figure given to avoid the real truth - it is over $20,000 per year) the actual number per working American in federal income tax alone is $21,546. But it only starts there, because:


After that amount is taken, there is Social Security taken in addition to this. And after social security, there is in almost all cases state tax taken. The exact average mean income in the U.S. is approximately $69,000 dollars annually. This is mixing the super rich with the poor. It does not mean most Americans make this much. Even at that, if you take $21,546 from that number, it means the Federal government alone is taking as an average, 31.2 percent of America's income in FEDERAL TAX ALONE.


Now here is where things get spooky: After taking 31.2 percent, social security takes 6.2 percent from the employee, and asks the employer to match it with another 6.2 percent. That is 12.4 percent. Add 12.4 percent to 31.2 percent and wow, now the Federal take is 43.6 percent, flat average.


But it is a LOT worse than that, because after that, you are forced to buy Obamacare. That ought to push the total up to over 50 percent, (I am going to apply common sense in that case, because things vary too much). BUT IT GETS EVEN WORSE THAN THAT. After Federal, Social security, and Obamacare, you have to pay state income tax in practically all cases. State income tax in America averages right around 6 percent, averaging population out between high, low and zero tax states. That puts America's total tax burden at close to 56 percent. But it gets a lot lot worse than that. Because there are local taxes. Property taxes, Vehicle registration taxes, and sales taxes. These combined will easily push America's median tax rates to over 65 percent, yep, you really can make it with a parasitic drain in excess of 60 percent but you will be in debt up to your eyeballs and life will be a stress farm . . . . . .


Remember when I talked about how we never got to see the benefits of the increased efficiency made possible by having mechanical processes do such a huge portion of the world's work? Robots and PLC controlled systems do a LOT, why are we not living any better? The tax burden says it all.


Obviously, many Europeans pay a similar amount in taxes. However, when they do, they typically get housing, food, and medical subsidized to such an extent that it is all practically free. If they have 30 percent left over after taxes, they are not actually expected to live off that, that is FREAKING VACATION AND FUN MONEY, and that is why, despite getting "taxed" out the wazoo, Europeans can at least travel. In Europe, the taxes actually do something for the people. In America, taxes go straight into the sewer and not a dime comes back to the people, it is just pure theft plain and simple. With the exception of the interstate highway system, WHAT do your taxes do for you? That was built 50 years ago, where is the huge expense for that? How can America's outrageously high taxes be justified? Answer: They can't, with what Americans get in return, a total of 10 percent across all taxes is not justified.


America was first set up for import and export taxes alone to pay all expenses, these are still in place, and I did not even mention them or add them to the total above. How did we get such a convoluted tax scenario? Thanks to Hillary's ilk, where corruption and theft runs amok and unchecked, America is getting slammed into debt while over 60 percent is taken from the people up front. If you add the deficits to the total, the real chunk being taken away from America is close to or over 100 percent of GDP because despite getting over 60 percent, the corruption in power wants and spends more than even that. The rape is beyond extreme, it is in fact total.