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Bill and Hillary Just Got Served a Massive Court Order… They Will Have to Answer THIS Month

Conservative Tribune

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July 16, 2015

Though they have danced around and avoided directly addressing the issue of secret emails and questionable donations to their foundation, Bill and Hillary Clinton have been ordered to give depositions in a civil case about exactly that.

Hillary, the prospective 2016 Democratic nominee for president, will give her deposition on July 28, while the former president will give his deposition the following day.


The depositions stem from a lawsuit filed by former federal prosecutor and Freedom Watch founder Larry Klayman, who alleges the Clintons committed criminal acts under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) statute.

Klayman claims that Hillary used mail and wire fraud, along with false statements, to cover up her crimes and misappropriate documents requested under the Freedom of Information Act.

At the heart of the lawsuit is an allegation that Hillary, as Secretary of State, was involved in the release of sensitive and secret information regarding Israeli war and cyber-war plans, particularly their plans for preemptive action against a nuclear Iran.

According to The Washington Times,  Klayman is also seeking State Department records of waivers granted and signed off on by Hillary for individuals, companies and countries to skirt economic sanctions and conduct business with Iran.

“This is the first and only hard-hitting case to address the growing email scandal,” Klayman said in a statement. “What Hillary Clinton, her husband, and their foundation have done is nothing new.”

“It is simply part of a criminal enterprise which dates back at least 10 years, all designed to enrich themselves personally at the expense of the American people and our nation,” he continued. “It’s time, however, that they finally be held legally accountable.”

This is excellent news and hopefully the depositions prove successful in exposing the likely criminal activity both Bill and Hillary Clinton have committed.

Please share this on Facebook and Twitter to spread the news that Hillary Clinton is finally going to have to face the music about her emails and “pay-to-play” political favors in exchange for donations to the Clinton Foundation.