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Cheryl Chumley

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mAY 25, 2015

Special Operations Speaks PAC, an organization to educate Americans about threats to the United States, has started a petition to impeach Hillary Clinton – and so far, nearly 31,000 have signed.

“Fact is, congressional precedent dictates that all elected officials remain subject to impeachment and disqualification from holding office even after resignation,” SOS said, on its website.

As such: the PAC says Clinton must go.

Just in time for the 2016 election, hear Hillary Clinton say she would NOT run for president, in “Hillary Unhinged” by Thomas Kuiper.

“[SOS] is calling on the United States Congress to impeach former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’ pursuant to Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution of the United States.”

The organization lists three reasons to impeach Clinton. First, she “absented herself from the besieged in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, costing four American lives.”

Second: “As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton received, through the Clinton Foundation, emoluments from foreign governments, despite Article 1, Section 9, which proscribes the reception of foreign ‘gifts’ by U.S. officials without the express consent of Congress.”

And third: The groups decried Clinton’s “unlawful” storage of official secretary of state emails on a private email server set up in her New York home, calling it a “detriment of national security” and a violation of the Freedom of Information Act.

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Larry Bailey, a former U.S. Navy officer and co-founder of SOS, said impeaching a former cabinet member post-service would not be a historical first.

“If the 44th Congress had the power to impeach the war secretary after he exited his post, then the 114th Congress can impeach Hillary Clinton in the same fashion,” he said, in a statement posted on the SOS website.

“Congress needs to remember that they have a backbone and that they have in their hands the power to end Hillary Clinton’s presidential run, and any official pursuits she may have, once and for all.”

And Col. Richard Brauer, retired U.S. Air Force officer, said Clinton’s completely “unfit” to serve the country.

“Until I can listen to Hillary’s 10 p.m. phone conversation with Barack Obama during the Benghazi terror attack, and until I can read the emails she’s permanently deleted despite federal law, Hillary is beyond vindication and is unfit to serve as the next commander-in-chief,” he said.

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