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Federal appeals court to weigh Hillary Clinton documents

Scott Thurman

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April 2, 2015

Information advocate Larry Klayman began years ago, trying to see Hillary Clinton’s emails he thinks will prove she leaked Israeli war plans to a reporter.

“If you believe what Mrs. Clinton says, then you believe that bears don’t live in the woods,” Klayman said.

Now, in light of her personal server situation, he pleaded with three judges to intervene & fast.

“The servers of Mrs. Clinton, even though she’s brazenly admitted she’s wiped everything clean should be taken into custody and give them to a forensic expert to see if any of those emails can be retrieved,” said Klayman.

Clinton’s lawyer says it’s pointless, that “no emails reside on the server or on any backup systems.”

Adding she’s got nothing to hide and in fact: “to be clear, she remains ready to appear at a hearing open to the American public.”

Something many on Capitol Hill are anxious to see. Specifically, as they continue to investigate the attacks in Benghazi.

But as the 2016 race starts to take shape, what does it all mean?

“The polls are going to be fickle. And so, there are going to be times when people are up and times when people are down,” said Senator Ted Cruz

Clinton has taken a hit in those polls, dropping 9 points since June in perceived honesty. Though overall, she still dominates. 72% of democrats think she’ll be their nominee, 54% of all surveyed pick her over potential opponent Jeb Bush.

Klayman though insists his fight isn’t about politics, just the truth and now this court will decide how deep the government should dig to find it, “I was very forceful with these judges because these judges need to understand they’re the last form of protection for the American people.”