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Ron Paul: Hillary would be a pro-war, pro-Fed president

Press TV

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Oct. 27, 2014

Ron Paul (left) and Hillary Clinton

Paul, former Republican congressman and presidential candidate, made the remarks during an interview on Thursday night on a RT America program, Politicking with Larry King.

When King asked Paul what kind of president the former US secretary of state would be, he said, “I would think she’d be pretty average, pretty mediocre, pretty much for war, pretty much for welfare-ism, pretty much for deficits, pretty supportive of the Federal Reserve and loving the military-industrial complex.”

Paul, 79, has maintained strong positions against the military-industrial complex and the Federal Reserve, each of which he considers responsible for many of the ills afflicting the United States.

He has also strongly opposed US wars on foreign lands, particularly American military engagements in the Middle East.

Paul said that Clinton’s stances on foreign and monetary policy make her similar to the recent US presidents.

 “[T]hat’s what we’ve been having, so I don’t think she would provide any change whatsoever in a positive sense,” Paul said of a potential Clinton presidency.

Stephen Lendman, a writer, peace activist and radio show host, told Press TV in August that Clinton, the 66-year-old presumptive Democratic frontrunner for the 2016 presidential race, represents imperial arrogance, and she was a wretched secretary of state.

“She represents -- in spades -- bulling, bluster and imperial arrogance. She was a wretched secretary of state. John Kerry is going way out of his way to match her blow for blow. But Hillary Clinton’s tenure was really, really an abomination, to say the least. She is extremely hawkish. She supports America’s wars that all are illegal,” Lendman said.