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Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos Directs Committee to Review Statewide Election Amid Concerns Over Massive Midnight Ballot Dump For Joe Biden

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Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos has directed the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections to investigate the huge vote drop for Biden in the middle of the night to see if it was justified.

That influx of Biden votes occurred on the same night a similar dumping occurred in Michigan.

I assume they will be allowed to look into any other areas where possible irregularities occurred.

Vos said:

“I am directing the committee to use its investigatory powers under Wisconsin SS 13.31 to immediately review how the election was administered. With concerns surfacing about mail-In ballot dumps and voter fraud, Wisconsin citizens deserve to know their vote counted. There should be no question as to whether the vote was fair and legitimate, and there must be absolute certainty that the impending recount finds any and all irregularities.”

“I encourage citizens to volunteer to participate in the recount in their respective communities and take an active role in ensuring fair elections.”

“Wisconsin’s election system is one of the best in the country. We have well-trained staff that finished counting the ballots well before most other states. However, we can always look for ways to improve it even more. I hope the committee investigates the inefficiency of Milwaukee’s central counting of absentee ballots, as well as the removal of voters from the rolls who no longer live here.”

President Trump was crushing Biden when the state suddenly stopped counting ballots. It is a theme that happened in all of the swing states.

Right after Fox News called Arizona for Biden, the other states quit counting ballots.

Then all of a sudden over 100,000 ballots were dumped in Michigan in the middle of the night, 100% for Joe Biden.

Almost 100,000 were dumped in Wisconsin on the very same night.

How is it possible that President Trump did not pick up a single vote in either state?

The other thing that some people find suspicious is the fact that President Trump had coattails and Biden did not.

The Democrats may pick up one Senate seat but have lost as many as 12 seats by the time vote counting is complete.

Can you recall any election where the loser had coattails? Biden received tens of thousands of more votes than Senate candidates in Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia did, yet Republican Senate candidates received almost identical numbers as the president.