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Vote NO for Congress - why Congress has failed the People on health care, debt and freedom

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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only leading (so far) to huge rate increases in health insurance premiums. Job losses in America over the last year have been staggering, and there's no indication that things are going to get better anytime soon.

From this, many people are crying for change in Washington. But this idea of sending new people to Washington, I submit, is merely another gimmick foisted upon the American people by members of Congress who seem more interested in looting America than saving her. Because the real secret in Washington is that it doesn't matter whether Democrats or Republicans are in charge. It's the corporations that control both parties in the end.

Why the corporations are in control

The corporations, you see, have been running Washington for decades -- on both sides of the political fence. It was the Bush Administration, you may remember, that rigged a secret back-room deal with Big Pharma to make it illegal for the U.S. government to negotiate discount pricing for large-scale Medicare drug purchasing. This locked in a Big Pharma monopoly that has already cost the taxpayers tens of billions of dollars in the years since.

The Obama Administration went one step further with health care reform, making sure Big Pharma maintained its monopoly position while forcing tens of millions of Americans to participate in the failed conventional medicine system (or else be fined by the IRS for choosing to opt out). Health care reform should have been called "the Big Pharma Profit Assurance Act."

Both Democrats and Republicans push vaccines onto the People. Both parties refuse to make any effort to investigate the health hazards of aspartame, MSG, fluoride or sodium nitrite. Both parties support the conventional cancer industry, with all its medical quackery, mammography and chemotherapy that poisons and kills hundreds of thousands of Americans each year.

The Obama Administration, by the way, won't even take a stand on vitamin D deficiency and black Americans. The "dirty little secret" of the health industry -- that black Americans could drastically reduce their disease rates with low-cost vitamin D supplements -- remains hidden even with Obama as President!

The truth is, folks, neither political party cares about your health. Neither party believes in disease prevention, nutritional literacy or public health education.

And the sad, blunt truth of the matter is that no one in Washington will save us. If We the People wish to save ourselves from the disastrous management of our country that has been demonstrated in Washington D.C., we are going to have to take America back from the corporations and the special interest groups. We need to put the power back into the hands of the People and keep it out of the hands of the dishonest, corrupt members of Congress who consistently betray the People for their own personal gain (they will sell us out just to stay in office).

Why disbanding Congress makes good sense

While I recognize there are a few exceptions to my negative characterization of members of Congress -- Dr. Ron Paul comes to mind -- I think most NaturalNews readers will agree that Congress, when in session, is a threat to our freedoms and our pocketbooks.

The logical thing to do would be to disband Congress. That it even exists at all is a throwback to a pre-telegraph world where long-distance communications were impossible, so people actually sent someone to Washington to represent their interests. These "representatives" then joined together in the "House of Representatives" and later become known as Congressmen (and women).

But today, with instant online communications, the People don't really need anyone to represent them in Washington anymore. Voters could simply vote directly on proposed legislation, without the House and Senate getting in the way. That's called a "Direct Democracy," and it would eliminate Congress entirely, reverting the power to pass legislation back to the People.

A Direct Democracy would seem more fitting for our modern world than our current outmoded "horse-and-buggy" system of representation. Besides, it's fairly obvious that our "representatives" in Washington don't represent our interests anyway. Instead, they represent the special interests of the corporations that keep them in power. So the very body that was supposed to represent the People has sold them out and become a tool of the corporations that are poisoning and exploiting the People for profit. (Big Pharma, Big Food, Big Agriculture, etc.)

Interestingly, Congress believes that the American people are just too stupid to understand and vote on their own legislation. And to prove just how much smarter they are, members of Congress created a 1,900-page health care reform bill that none of them read, even as the Speaker of the House announced that they should pass the bill first so they could all find out what was in it.

Personally, I believe the People could do a better job of voting on legislation than members of Congress. For one thing, the People can't be bought out by corporate interests because there are simply too many people to buy off.

Secondly, members of Congress are so out of touch with the real people of America that they really have no clue what's going on in the districts they claim to represent. Sure, it's easy to CLAIM you represent the people while you're flying around in luxury jets and getting free health care on the Congressional health insurance benefits program, but that doesn't qualify you to know anything about what's really happening in the homes and on the streets back home.

I say, why not let the American people just vote on legislation directly?

Of course, to do so would require disbanding Congress, and that would take a Constitutional amendment. So don't hold your breath -- members of Congress will surely do whatever it takes to hold on to their power. Most likely, the only way a Direct Democracy ever comes into play is if the current system of government collapses and a new one takes its place.

Some say that such a day isn't far off, actually. I'm not sure how much I agree with that, but every time Ben Bernanke cranks up the counterfeit printing presses at the Fed, I become increasingly convinced these people may be right. One thing I do know for sure is that the current health care system operating in America will bankrupt America. It is utterly non-sustainable and must be radically reformed before it drags the whole nation into a toxic financial tar pit. (No nation can afford to keep paying for degenerative disease forever...)

I also know -- and please take this in its full context -- that who you vote for in the upcoming elections probably doesn't matter as much as you hope it would. Whether a Democrat or a Republican lands a new seat in Washington doesn't matter one iota to the corporate interests that really run this nation. They can buy off a Democrat just as easily as a Republican. Both parties stands for more debt spending, more sick care and the continued erosion of your freedoms.

Sure, we can hope to make some small difference by replacing a truly corrupt person with someone who is hopefully less corrupt. Personally, I'd like to see Senator Reid defeated solely because of his deep ties to Big Pharma (I don't care what party he belongs to, but he happens to be a Democrat in this case) ( But there's no guarantee that whoever replaces him won't be just as corrupt six months down the road.

I've personally met members of Congress on the election trail, before they won a seat in Washington. They all seem so genuine, so honest, so passionate and full of drive to make a difference. They are sincere and they mean well, but once they get to Washington, the system changes them. In Washington, you learn very quickly that if you don't play ball, you get marginalized almost immediately. And if you vote against corporate interests, you find yourself running out of campaign funds at your next reelection effort. Funny how that works, huh?

The bottom line in all this is that Americans must remember: Congress will not save us from the messes in which we find ourselves today. To vote for a member of Congress is in one sense a wasted vote because that person, once he or she gets to Washington, will almost certainly turn around and vote against you and your best interests. Such is the nature of our outmoded, almost ancient system of "representative democracy" in which the People hold virtually no power and are, instead, ruled over by a class of elite power brokers who write laws of such complexity that even they have no clue what they're voting on.

I say the whole system is broken and real progress can only come when we find a way to enact a Direct Democracy where the People are put back in charge over their own future.

Expecting Congress to solve our problems is a form of insanity

To put your faith in one new representative operating inside a broken, corrupt system of representative democracy is to bet against the impossible. Congress can no more protect the People's interests than a basement rat can recite Shakespeare. To wait for Congress to solve the very problems that Congress has created is a form of insanity -- repeating the same actions over and over again while expecting different results.

Every two years, America repeats the same action of replacing a few of the crooks in Washington and then somehow expecting things to really change. But things don't really change. Debt, disease and wars continue to burden us all, and no one in Washington has the courage and leadership to stand up and actually make the tough choices that America needs to make in order to ensure its future. Choices like ending conventional medicine's ridiculous monopoly over health care, or banning the use of all harmful food and beverage ingredients that are poisoning our children. Or ending the FDA's tyrannical censorship of nutritional science (

Trust me on this point: Real change will never come from within our current system of broken government. It will come not from an evolution of Congress but rather a revolution of social change leading to more participatory government (such as a Direct Democracy) where the People are able to express their hopes and dreams through the direct voting on national legislation.

Remember: We are supposed to be a government of the People, by the People and for the People. So why are the People currently kept out of the loop when it comes to voting on the legislation that shapes our nation? Why are we running America in 2010 on a system of representative horse-and-buggy government developed over two thousand years ago in the age of the Roman Empire?

Isn't it time that the People of America took back the power of government they once delegated to representatives and disbanded the very Congress that has put us in this mess in the first place?

That's why I say vote NO for Congress. It's time to end representative democracy and put the American People back in charge of their own future.

The best thing we could all do right now for the future of America is retire Congress, send them all back home with a basket of flowers and a nice thank you card, enact a Direct Democracy amendment to the U.S. Constitution and then start the laborious process of unwinding all the legislative damage that Congress has burdened us with over the last hundred years or so.

There's a lesson in all this, by the way. Never give away your power to government. Once you do, it's almost impossible to ever get it back. The American People have given away their power for so long that most Americans have forgotten the power was theirs to begin with. (And that's the way Congress would like to keep it, no doubt.)

Oct. 18, 2010