Saturday October 9, 2010Democratic candidate for California GovernorJerry BrownAP by Rich PedroncelliUNITEDSTATES of more" /> - Delivering Truth Around the World
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HENEGHAN: Jerry Brown the REAL Tea Party Candidate

Tom Heneghan International Intelligence Expert

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Saturday  October 9, 2010

Jerry Brown

Democratic candidate for California Governor Jerry Brown

AP by Rich Pedroncelli

UNITED STATES of America  -  It can now be reported that a California Federal Grand Jury is investigating the LOOTING of the California State Pension fund (CalPERS) that directly fingers the noted brokerage firm and bank Goldman Sachs, along with the Bank of America, Wachovia Bank, as well as Wells Fargo.

California Attorney General and Democratic candidate ...

California Attorney General and Democratic candidate for Governor Jerry Brown

Reuters by Mario Anzuoni

This criminal probe is being led by current California Attorney General and candidate for Governor, Edmund G. Brown Jr.  The investigation deals with Goldman Sachs and Bank of America using bundled mortgage-backed securities to create real estate derivatives aka worthless toxic assets and then market them to the state of California and their CalPERS pension fund.  Both Goldman Sachs and the Bank of America did not provide proper risk disclosure to the state of California at the time that they were marketing these mortgage-backed securities for use in the pension fund.

The marketing program was also led by known Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate stooge Bill Gross and his company Pacific Management Associates.

Reference: Gross is a major campaign contributor to current California Republican candidate for governor, Meg Whitman.

We can also divulge that Ms. Whitman and her EBay corporation used none other than Bill Gross' Pacific Management Associates in the handling of the IRA and retirement accounts for EBay employees.

Meg Whitman and CalPERS

We can also report Ms. Whitman has promised this criminal banking elite that LOOTED retirement funds of the citizens of the state of California, should she be elected California Governor, that she will shut down the criminal investigation that Attorney General Brown has started against these crooked banks.

Item: We now see why the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly media created this phony diversion about the use of the "whore" word utter by a Brown campaign aide in alleging that Whitman is a stooge for these crooked California Banks.

Note: In listening to the tape recorded conversation, former Governor Brown actually predicts that if he starts going after these crooked banks and the LOOTING of the CalPER's pension fund, the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly media will begin an attack on him.

P.S. We can also divulge that the campaign of former Governor Edmund G. Brown has been infiltrated by forces of a foreign intelligence agency and the criminal U.S. NSA (National Security Agency) and its illegal "Stellar Wind" program.

We can now reveal that Brown has had his phone tapped and his computer emails intercepted by this illegal espionage gang.

Reference: Anti-Brown campaign intelligence is then leaked by this espionage gang to noted internet mogul homosexual in the closet and sexual terrorist, dying of AIDS, anti-Catholic bigot, Matt Drudge aka drecht.

P.P.S. It is important to note that Jerry Brown is not trusted by the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate, corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly U.S. media.

Brown, who ran against Clinton in 1992, is a direct enemy of those forces who have shredded our Constitution, looted our U.S. Treasury, and have turned these criminal U.S. banks into their bag men.

It is clear that the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly U.S. media want Meg Whitman aka bitch Whitman to drive the get away car.

Meg Whitman and George W. BushFRAUD

In closing, do not forget that Ms. Whitman directly participated in the year 2000 with the criminal forces of the George W. Bush campaign that helped shut down the recount in the state of Florida that kept Al Gore out of the White House and enabled nation wrecking, election stealing, cocaine snorting, Constitution shredding, U.S. Treasury embezzling, homosexual in the closet, AWOL, war criminal George W. BushFRAUD to take office illegally and then, of course, wreck the United States.

I might also say in closing, that former Governor Jerry Brown is no stooge for the far left of his own Democratic Party.

Brown has always supported the 2nd Amendment and the Right to Bear Arms and former Governor Brown is the only Democratic Governor in California history to reduce the state income tax, lower property taxes and balance the state of California budget.

Accordingly, the choice in this California governor election is clear.  California voters should place former Governor Jerry Brown back in Sacramento and let him clean up the state of California.

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Oct. 6, 2010