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Dear Fellow Patriot,

There is something you can do right now to show Mr. Obama and federal judge Susan Bolton you are furious for their disregard for the law and Arizona’s 10th Amendment’s rights. Send a message to Washington – and a Congresswoman who will not rest until Arizona’s 389 miles of porous border with Mexico are protected – as well as that of Texas, New Mexico and California.

Arizona sits smack in the middle of the front lines of this raging battle to secure our borders! And with your help the largest city in Arizona will send a principled conservative -- who won’t compromise your safety -- to Washington to fight not just on behalf of the citizens of Phoenix, Arizona, but for the rights of every American determined to uphold the law.

You see, to our west the liberal politico in California daily threatens Arizona with every reprisal they can muster. In Washington the Obama administration is wielding the judicial system to undermine our States Rights that are so firmly written into the Constitution by our Founding Fathers. This battle is difficult but with your help we will win out in the end, and make history in the process.

Nothing will send a clearer message to Washington than electing Janet Contreras to the U.S. House of Representatives. And at the same time you will help me take back our America from progressive liberals set on destroying it. And you can rest assured that wherever you live, your rights as an American will also be restored.

I‘m the only candidate for Arizona Congressional District 4 who is willing and able to truly represent We The People! I’m a concerned American citizen, just like you, and I need your help TODAY against my big money, status-quo, pro-amnesty challengers.

Join me in taking back our country from the liberals and their progressive agenda! As you read this I’m in a battle against a pro amnesty, anti-SB 1070 RINO who does not even live in the 4th district…but more on that in a moment.


Perhaps you heard Glenn Beck read my “Open Letter To Our Nation’s Leadership" on his show? If you did, then you already know that I join you in demanding our Representatives stop ignoring We The People! In fact, that’s why I decided to run in Arizona’s District 4 – to take back Congress from career politicians and return it to the American people—We the People! But I can’t do that by myself! I need your help! I am going to shake up Congress. But I won’t be like so many others who change their tune once they get to Washington!

My opponent in the Republican primary is deep in the hip pocket of the Democrat machine. And he doesn’t even live in the District he wants to represent! His children attend well-funded Scottsdale schools and don’t have to listen to the gunshots at night from the illegal drug cartels running wild through my district here in Phoenix.

What’s more, as a pro-amnesty immigration attorney he actually makes a lucrative living through representing illegal immigrants so how will he represent us in Washington? The Democrat incumbent has already vowed to pass “comprehensive immigration reform” in the lame duck session after the election.

Sadly, my Republican challenger and the Democrat incumbent are simply mirror images of each other! Now is your chance to declare that…enough is enough! No more compromised Republican candidates. Send a message to Washington – to both Mr. Obama and his cohorts and the Republican establishment!

To my Arizona friends, your vote for me in the primary on August 24 will be cast for a return to the traditional, common-sense values that made America the Land of the Free … or your vote will be cast for a keep-it-like-it-is candidate – my opponent, who is quite content in padding his pockets, living outside our District, in the pro-amnesty, anti-security Land of the Freeloaders!

In order to win the August 24th primary, and go on to defeat Democrat Ed Pastor – a 19 year career politician who vehemently opposes SB 1070, I must have your help TODAY!

For nearly two decades Rep. Pastor has voted down multiple measures that would protect our country from this invasion of illegal immigrants and he’s only made the problems worse! Rep. Pastor is the liberal we must replace! Today, more than ever Big Brother’s boot is on the throat of Arizona, of you and me…We The people! This is a tough election, but with your help I am going to win!


You can help retire a liberal Democrat career politician – Ed Pastor!

Rep. Pastor continues to leaves us vulnerable; he supports amnesty, Wall Street Bailouts, White House Czars, Cap & Trade, and Obama’s health care debacle.

Your support TODAY will help me win this race for you, the real America. Our Founding Fathers gave us a republic For The People, By the People – Not For The Special Interests and By The Career Politicians!

Join me in saying ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Restore our sovereignty. Restore our liberty. Bring integrity and dignity back Congress!


Yours in liberty,

P.S. You can help restore the values given to us by our Founding Fathers in our United States Constitution by donating to Janet Contreras For Congress $25, $50, $100 or more TODAY. Every dollar you give today will be used to win this election and return “We the People” back to power and August 24th is only a few short weeks away!” Support Janet Cantreras for Congress and you’ll be electing a candidate who is anti-special interests, anti-deficit spending, anti-tax increases, anti-amnesty, pro-border security, and pro-life!

Contributions to CONTRERAS FOR ARIZONA (CFA) are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. An individual may contribute up to $2,400 for the primary election and up to $2,400 for the general election. Federal multicandidate PAC's may contribute up to $5,000 for each election. Contributions from corporations, labor unions, federal-government contractors, and foreign nationals (non-green-card holders) are prohibited. Federal law requires CFA's best efforts to obtain, maintain, and report the name, address, occupation, and employer of any individual who contributes more than $200 in an election cycle. Paid for by Contreras For Arizona (CFA)

Donations can also be mailed directly to:

Janet Contreras Republican Congressional Candidate

2320 E. Baseline Road, #148-498

Phoenix, AZ 85042


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----- Original Message -----
From: WorldNetDaily
To: Bellringer Patrick
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 12:30 PM