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Hey, Joe, What Does One More Betrayal Matter?

By Eugene Elander

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ose Dick over an unqualified Republican candidate was shock and dismay. But then I recalled that your history of betrayals goes back all of the decades that I have known you.

Joe, you first betrayed your former friend Patricia Hendel, who wanted to run for secretary of the state when you were running for Connecticut attorney general. You felt that two Jews on that ticket were one too many and got former Governor Bill ONeill to force Pat to back off, ending her political career. When I first heard that you had done such a despicable deed, I could not believe it, but you confirmed it yourself. Much later, you betrayed Al Gore when you ran as his vice presidential candidate in 2000, taking no forceful stance over the vote recounting in Florida which could and would have made Gore president had the Supreme Court not improperly intervened. You copped out.

Most of all, though, you have betrayed the Democratic Party, your home base for decades, by undercutting so many of its positions that there would not be room in a book to describe all of them, let alone in this short summary of your betrayals. What you really have against your former party is its rejection of your most recent Senate candidacy due to the compounding of all of those betrayals. Taking your distaste for your former party out on your former friend and Senate candidate is scurrilous and spiteful.

But, upon reflection, it is not surprising that you would betray Dick Blumenthal and thus undercut his campaign to join you in the Senate.

When it comes to being despicable, nothing seems to be beneath you.