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California Gubernatorial Candidate Chelene Nightingale on Martial Law (with video)

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"Nobody should be invading our homes, or coming into our homes unless they have some sort of cause and then they're supposed to have a warrant. That's it. Period," said Nightingale when asked about government invasion of privacy. "If they're doing more than that, it's unconstitutional."

"The federal government, first of all, is not supposed to have power over the state and the state is not supposed to have power over individuals. Individual rights first," Nightingale said.

Nightingale also spoke on the proper roles of the governor and the sheriff. When asked if she would turn on the Delta pumps that supply water to farmers in California's fertile Central Valley, Nightingale said, "The governor has the power to go in there and turn it on. The sheriff has the power in that district to arrest any federal agent that comes in and tries to stop him."

When asked about second amendment rights, Nightingale said, "I grew up in a 2A home. My father taught me how to shoot. We have a rifle. I plan on using it." Nightingale then spoke of an uncoming fundraising event on May 1 and 2, 2010, Shooting With Chelene, in which rangemaster and radio host, Bill Carns, will teach a weekend of defensive handgun shooting.

"All the Founding Fathers -- it wasn't that you had the right -- they demanded that you had your guns, because they wanted you to fight tyranny," Nightingale said. "That hasn't changed."

Chelene Nightingale on Martial Law


April 11, 2010