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Harry Reid's Armenian Nightmare


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From: WorldNetDaily
To: Bellringer Patrick
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 1:06 PM
Subject: Harry Reid's Armenian Nightmare

Dear Reader,

My name is Danny Tarkanian and The American Spectator just called me "Harry Reid's Armenian Nightmare." I'm writing to ask for your immediate support.

Danny Tarkanian for U.S. Senate

There's more good news. Human Events has written it may be "Tarkanian Time in Nevada." I've led Harry Reid in seven straight polls. The momentum is on our side for a historic victory.

Harry Reid, of course, needs no introduction. Harry Reid calls opponents of government-run health care "hate mongers" and compares them to slavery defenders. In promoting federally-funded abortions, he has sold the unborn down the river to appease the crowd. He is, in short, the architect of the multi-trillion dollar, taxpayer-financed, ideological takeover of our country and he must be stopped.

As conservatives across America are starting to decide, I am the one to stop him. But, I can't do it without your help. I need YOU to take the step today to get behind my campaign to tell Harry Reid it's time to move out of the Ritz Carlton in Washington DC! Please consider supporting my campaign with a contribution of $250, $100, $75, $50, or even $25 or $10 today. Your generous contribution will help us retire Harry Reid once and for all.

But defeating Harry Reid is just a beginning - once I'm in Washington, I plan to slay even more establishment giants. Because like Night of the Living Dead, once you slay one, they just keep coming and coming...

Republicans and Libertarians from Nevada and across the country sense the Tarkanian campaign is a real opportunity to elect a constitutional conservative to the United States Senate. Robert Stacey McCain of The American Spectator writes:

"Another advantage: Tarkanian has Tea Party credentials, while his main rival for the nomination, former state GOP chairwoman Sue Lowden, has been called the 'preferred candidate of the Republican party establishment' -- the kiss of death in a year when GOP primary voters are clearly in a populist mood."

Across the blogosphere, folks are turning to tea party activists like me:

"Tea Party activists in that state are touting the candidacy of Republican Danny Tarkanian, who currently leads Reid by seven points in a Rasmussen poll. Still, polling among Republicans for the Senate primary race finds the Tea Party candidate tied with former state GOP Chairwoman Sue Lowden, the establishment party candidate." Adele M. Stan of truthout.

Please act today! Reid is on the ropes and with a major fundraising deadline upcoming, we must keep the conservative momentum behind our campaign!

Stand with me, Danny Tarkanian, so I can go to Washington as a relentless opponent of the liberal agenda: earmarks, abortion and government takeover of health care.

Let's retire Harry Reid once and for all!

Retire Reid in 2010

Thank you,

Danny Tarkanian

Danny Tarkanian

P.S. - If I've learned anything in this campaign, it's that you can't take on the establishment alone. Please contribute whatever you can to my campaign to end earmarks, bailouts, government-run health care, cap and trade and the entire "Government is God" ideological agenda.

Paid for and authorized by Tarkanian for Senate