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The Patrick Henry Alliance - 1776

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Invite 5 people who want to help take our country back to join, from your Neighborhood, Church, Club, Work.

There is so much more to the Patrick Henry Alliance, than there is offered in many Ning networks. I don't know if you know what we are all about; so let me tell you...

We are Community Organizers...

We have two missions for now, one is to educate and sign up voters, the second is to identify viable politicians and help them with their campaigns.

If you will look at the ‘About’ Us tab you will see it has several sub tabs the first is the Constitutionalist Platform... we want to sponsor candidates who are constitutionalist and not progressives. Next year we plan to actively take our nation back by installing people who will support and defend our constitution, and our bill of rights...

That is where you come in, now we need you to help us grow, we will have offices in every state soon and organizers in every voting district. So we need to grow...

Please help us by joining your state group, and listen to others and find five more people like you to join us...

Let me know what you think... We will soon be installing administrators in many states, that person will have an office and a budget when we get our Federal Grant, so far few have sent me a personal message and have asked for the job... If you are a doer and not a voyeur, if you can organize and listen to others as well as communicate…WE CAN use YOU!