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Support a Patriot this July 4th

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From: WorldNetDaily
To: Bellringer Patrick
Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2009 12:55 PM
Subject: Support a patriot this July 4th
This weekend, as patriots across the country celebrate the freedoms and liberties that define us as a nation, one American patriot is asking for our help.

Judge Roy Moore, "The Ten Commandments Judge," lost his position as Supreme Court justice for one reason - because he refused to stop acknowledging God. He could have kept his comfortable position by laying down before federal inquisitors. But he chose principle over pragmatism. He chose God over government.

That's the kind of man Judge Roy Moore is - a man I am proud to call my friend.

And that's why he needs to be elected governor of Alabama. As governor, he will stand up to Barack Obama's Washington and make Alabama a bastion of true liberty - a shining city on a hill for all Americans.

We need many more men like Judge Roy Moore. If we're ever going to have them, we must rally behind them when they offer to lead. There will be many important electoral battles waged in 2010. But this may be the most important of all – not just for Alabamans, but for all Americans

Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah

Editor and Chief Executive Officer



My name is Roy Moore and you may know me for the battle I waged against the ACLU over a display of the Ten Commandments.

I recently made one of the biggest decisions of my life. I want to tell you personally why I have decided to seek the Republican nomination for Governor.

And I want to ask you for your support.

As you know, two hundred thirty three years ago this Saturday, many of you will be gathered with family and friends to celebrate the birth of a nation—the United States of America—and the birth of freedom.

As a graduate of West Point, a captain, and company commander of a military police unit that served in Vietnam, I understand what the word freedom means. Our forefathers risked everything to create this unique experiment called America, and for years our country has served as beacon of hope to millions around the world who have yearned for a taste of the freedom we have always known.

But, I believe our freedoms can no longer be taken for granted, especially not now under a Barack Obama administration.

In his Cairo speech to the Muslim world, President Obama crossed a line, and I wasn't the only one who noticed. Pat Buchanan observed, "What is the matter with Mr. Obama that he cannot defend [America]? Answer: Mr. Obama cannot, because at heart he buys into the anti-American narrative that ours is a deplorable history."

Columnist Frank Gaffney pointed out, "Barack Hussein Obama would have to be considered America's first Muslim president." David Limbaugh added, "Did it advance [the cause of Middle East peace] when Mr. Obama painted the United States as the primary antagonist to world peace." Limbaugh wondered why Obama was allowed to say with impunity that he considered the U.S. "one of the largest Muslim countries in the world" and that "we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation."

So, according to Obama, we are a large Muslim country devoid of Christians. This is non-sense.

President Obama was elected to office because he promised change. Well, we got it -- revisionist history, apologies to our sworn enemies and other Third World countries, a government takeover of the financial sector and automobile industry—and next up: socialized medicine.

This is change social and economic conservatives cannot in good conscience pass on to our children and grandchildren.

Rep. Artur Davis, Judge Roy Moore's likely Democratic opponent, is a good friend of Barack Obama from their Harvard Law School days. Support Judge Moore.
Unfortunately, my probable opponent will be more of the same in the form of Rep. Artur Davis, who is well financed, claiming to have over $1.1 million in his campaign fund already. And he is a close personal friend of President Obama since the days they spent together at Harvard Law School.

President Obama is going to bring the full force of his fundraising machine against my effort here in an attempt to elect his friend Davis. In fact, Davis has just hired two of Obama's key fundraisers.

That's why I am writing you today, to ask for your support. I know you love America just as much as I do. I am proud of our Christian heritage and our nation. As a veteran I knew men who gave their lives for you and me. We must not allow others to take from us the rights and liberties for which they died. Pledge to support Judge Moore.

As former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, I have the highest regard for the United States Constitution and our state Constitution, both of which every elected official in my state is sworn to uphold. The Bill of Rights was meant to protect our rights of life, liberty and property. We cannot give them up without a fight.

Finally, as a husband, father of four and President of the Foundation for Moral Law, I have fought aggressively to eliminate pornography, crime, and drugs while upholding the most critical building block of our society, the traditional family.

I am prepared to fight. I hope you will join me.

Your generous gift this July 4th weekend will help me restore faith, family and freedom in Alabama and across our great nation. We can restore America, one state at a time.

I am aware that such a challenge will demand great financial resources. So I appreciate your prayerful willingness to contribute.

Thank you and May God Bless you and your family,

Roy Moore

Former Chief Justice

Alabama Supreme Court

P.S. – Be sure to forward this email to 10 conservative friends like yourself.

Paid for by Judge Roy Moore for Governor 2010 Committee

P.O. Box 4186 | Montgomery, AL | 36103