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Proof: "Israeli Effort" (?) to Destabilize Iran Via Twitter #Iran Election

Nu Kua

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This article was sent to us by the author with permission to reprint in full. I am only printing an excerpt here, please check out the article for screen shots of 'tweets" and such.

Note too, this is not from some crazed "Arab extremist" website. This is work done "Charting Stocks"- a website mostly dedicated to stock market news. They are data-oriented, interested in numbers and such.

The author does make a few jumps to conclusion that are arguably unwarranted. I, too, am inclined to believe in a "vast Zionist conspiracy" of a sort, based on the history of such events as well as current activities. Yet to be honest, at this point, the information provided in the article doesn't prove any of that, only points to "signs" of such, and only proves that something is very fishy and smelly in regards to how "the word" was spread via Twitter.

So imho, the authors conclusion-jumps doesn't change the story that the "Twitter Revolution" research shows.

Right-wing Israeli interests are engaged in an all out Twitter attack with hopes of delegitimizing the Iranian election and causing political instability within Iran.

Anyone using Twitter over the past few days knows that the topic of the Iranian election has been the most popular. Thousands of tweets and retweets alleging that the election was a fraud, calling for protests in Iran, and even urging followers hack various Iranian news websites (which they did successfully). The Twitter popularity caught the eye of various blogs such as Mashable and TechCrunch and even made its way to mainstream news media sites.

Were these legitimate Iranian people or the works of a propaganda machine? I became curious and decided to investigate the origins of the information. In doing so, I narrowed it down to a handful of people who have accounted for 30,000 Iran related tweets in the past few days. Each of them had some striking similarities -

1. They each created their twitter accounts on Saturday June 13th.

2. Each had extremely high number of Tweets since creating their profiles.

3. “IranElection” was each of their most popular keyword

4. With some very small exceptions, each were posting in ENGLISH.

5. Half of them had the exact same profile photo

6. Each had thousands of followers, with only a few friends. Most of their friends were EACH OTHER.

Why were these tweets in English? Why were all of these profiles OBSESSED with Iran? It became obvious that this was the work of a team of people with an interest in destabilizing Iran. The profiles are phonies and were created with the sole intention of destabilizing Iran and effecting public opinion as to the legitimacy of Iran’s election.

I narrowed the spammers down to three of the most persistent -




I decided to do a google search for 2 of the 3 - @StopAhmadi and @IranRiggedElect. The first page to come up was JPost (Jerusalem Post) which is a right wing newspaper pro-Israeli newspaper.

JPost actually ran a story about 3 people “who joined the social network mere hours ago have already amassed thousands of followers.” Why would a news organization post a story about 3 people who JUST JOINED TWITTER hours earlier? Is that newsworthy? JPost was the first (and only to my knowledge) major news source that mentioned these 3 spammers.

JPost, a major news organization, promoted these three Twitterers who went on the be the source of the IranElection Twitter bombardment. Why is JPost so concerned about Iranian students all of a sudden (which these spammers claim to be)? I must admit that I had my suspicions. After all, Que Bono? (who benefits).

There’s no question that Israel perceives Iran as an enemy, more so than any other nation. According to a recent poll, more than half of Israel’s population support using military force against Iran if they do not cease from developing nuclear energy (which they have the legal right to do as per the NNP treaty). Oddly enough, this comes out of a country which is not a cosigner to the NNP treaty and has no right to develop nuclear energy, yet posses an arsenal of nuclear BOMBS.

Of course, Mousavi himself plays an important role in causing the social unrest within Iran. How often do you see a candidate declare himself the winner before any votes are counted and then, when faced with defeat, call the entire election process a fraud? As obvious as it was in our own 2000 election, Al Gore would not touch the topic of voter fraud. No major US politician goes near the subject. They know full well that such an accusation would shake the entire foundation of our democracy and threaten the political structures that are in place.

These twitting spammers began crying foul before the final votes were even counted, just as Mousavi had. The spammer @IranRiggedElect created his profile before a winner was announced and preformed the public service of informing us in the United States , in English and every 10 minutes, of the unfair election. He did so unselfishly, and without any regard for his fellow friends and citizens of Iran, who don’t speak English and don’t use Twitter!

Meet The Spammers


3146 followers. 31 friends.

340 tweets in past 4 days. none before that.

Top 5 words - iranelection, cnnfail, mousavi, tehran,

All tweets in English

Time: Bulk between 12pm and 2pm eastern standard time

Most retweets: @StopAhmadi @IranElection09 @change_for_iran


14,000 followers. 0 friends

117 tweets in 2 days. none before that.

All tweets in English

Time: Bulk between 8:00 pm and 11:00 pm eastern.

Top 5 words: iranelection, people, police, right, students

No retweets


800 followers. 9 friends.

196 tweets in 3 days. none before that.

185 in English. 11 in Farsi (Arabic appearing letters. Not sure if it’s Farsi)

Time: bulk between 2:00pm and 6:00pm eastern. Also 1:00am.

Top 5 words: iranelection, rt, mousavi, tehran, march

Most retweets: @IranRiggedElect @StopAhmadi


6199 followers. 53 friends.

1107 tweets in past 3 days. None before then.

top 5 words: iranelection, ppl, news, rt, iran.

All tweets in English

Time: bulk between 9:00am and 5:00pm eastern

Most retweets: @mohamadreza @mahdi


1433 followers. 142 friends

(protected account. cant see data)

The following all have the same photo in their profile and are followed by the profiles previously mentioned.

...Disclaimer: Before I get attacked as being an Anti-Semite,you should know that I am half Jewish. Alternatively, I hope that people do not misinterpret this as some “JEWISH” conspiracy. It isn’t. These are the workings of the extreme right wing of Israeli politics. They have their own Bush’s and Cheney’s there too.

As noted, there is more work posted on link.

So why would people supposedly from Iran be posting in English almost exclusively?

Why would "iranriggedelect" begin crying foul before the results were even in- and in English?

This type of thing is not new news. There have been other incidences of Zionists (and CIA/Mossad, incidentally) work such as this- creating fake accounts with a popular information source or social network, and then exploiting it to their own agenda.

This is one well sourced story of such, in regards to the attempted infiltration of Wikipedia

EI exclusive: a pro-Israel group's plan to rewrite history on Wikipedia

What blows my mind is how "news" orgs such as CNN and MSNBC and FOX are using Twitter posts as news! Unverified sources, unverified accounts, yet they are relying on this to help build support for a coup.

("support for a coup" = my own opinion. Almost play by play, the same thing that is happening now is very similar to what happened in the 1953 American/British coup of democratically elected Mohammad Mossadegh- who was then replaced with the brutal American-backed Shah.

But I really feel we are watching yet another cleverly orchestrated coup unfold. It makes me sick, turns my stomach. If more people knew the truth, the whole world would be up in arms.)

Another thing that is bothersome here- there really is good reason to want a change in government over there. Although I do not think he the evil demon that much of the West does, Ahmadinejad is a part of a very conservative theocratic government, old school, holding onto the past.

I feel for the people who are upset that Moussavi wasn't elected- although Moussavi himself is an asshole- how soon people forget?

But one reason there is anger is that people were led to believe that Mousavi would win and then they found out how wrong that was, so they are shocked.

I think it is not up to us here in the West to get involved, it is not up to us to be the judge and jury and most of all, NOT to engage in actions that fuel violence. If we get involved, and we will I am sure, What will happen will be another repeat of the coup in 1953- and it will again be the Iranian people who suffer the consequences.

It really, really bothers me that this is being fueled in large part by lies and misrepresentations. What this is for- is to build up Western support for the removal of a democratically elected leader. In spite of the younger folks wanting a well deserved change, the fact is they were outvoted. Ahmadinejad was re-elected because he has a large base of support due to his refusal to bow down to interference by the West...

We need to stay out of their business and allow them to work through it. In spite of what we are told, there is open talk and dialog in Iran, the women are youth movements are not as oppressed as our media would lead us to believe, and if we let them grow as they will naturally, change will come.

It is outside interference that is doing the most harm.