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Save our Levers [Lever Voting Machines]- Immediate Action Requested

Andi Novick

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Dear friends,
Keep those resolutions in support of the levers coming!  Yesterday Schuyler County became the fourth county to pass a unanimous resolution to save our levers. That's 4 counties plus the Association of Towns resolution! Thanks to those of you who wrote or called Schuyler County- see what a little effort can produce?  
If we keep spreading the word we'll get there.  We're getting heard- see today's NY Times article below, requiring your immediate attention, and New York 1's report,  The EAC Lied, lever Machines Almost Died,   As the word spreads we need more spreaders.
To do immediately:
To do tonight:
We need more of you to help get resolutions from the counties. Yesterday's resolution was aided by just a few of you. The counties are ready. They need your urging. If your county has passed a resolution, write to another county.  Let us know what counties you write to.  A letter to get you started is at the blog, as are copies of all resolutions. 
Help spread the petition around New York State by joining our group on facebook, and inviting your friends to the group and to sign the petition. 
To do next week:
Greene County Public Hearing on another resolution in support of the levers. If you live in or near Greene County - please go to show your support this Monday, March 16th at 6:00 PM, 411 Main St. in Catskill.
Because the main entrance of the building will be closed at that time, citizens wishing to attend should take the back entrance, which is accessible from Water Street.
Andi Novick
Election Transparency Coalition,,
The Last Transparent Democratic Electoral System in the United States of America Cannot be Allowed to Perish,
For everyone who feels the information out there regarding levers, transparent electoral systems, the constitution, the State Law, the Federal Law, etc. is all overwhelming, this is a great new blog that is the voice of clarity- compellingly simplifying the issues:
Teresa Hommel's Where's the Paper is an invaluable resource and she's started a special section for Keeping the Levers:
Exclusive: Discredited federal E-voting oversight commission issued an incorrect 2005 'legal advisory' helping to keep NY on a collision course with democracy
But it's not too late to save the last transparent electoral system in the United States...

Author's Website:

Author's Bio: Andi Novick Northeast Citizens for Responsible Media