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X22REPORT: [DS] Lost Ukraine, Panic Sets In, The Beginning Of The End, News Unlocks – Ep. 2725

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[DS] Lost Ukraine, Panic Sets In, The Beginning Of The End, News Unlocks – Ep. 2725


[DS] Lost Ukraine, Panic Sets In, The Beginning Of The End, News Unlocks
The [CB] cannot control the narrative. The Biden administration is panicking, the economy is falling apart and the blame is now on him. The people are waking up and now the crosshairs are on the Fed. The people are watching the Fed very carefully. The [DS] is now panicking, Ukraine is about to fall and they are about to lose their money laundering, pandemic bio labs hub. The clock is ticking down, next up is Taiwan, watch how the corrupt politicians, [DS], fake news react to this. This is the beginning of the end, the news is about to unlock. The rain is coming the [DS] will cease to exist once this is all over.



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