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X22REPORT:Scavino Message Received, They Have It All, It’s Going To Be Biblical – Ep. 2638

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Scavino Message Received, They Have It All, It’s Going To Be Biblical
The people believe that the economy is bad and they are blaming it on the Ds, soon it will be the [CB]. The [CB] is now pushing their controlled demolition of the economy, they need a cover story of why the economic system is falling apart, enter omicron. This will fail. The [DS] needs to keep the news clogged with other stories, so they are using omicron to keep the world busy as the truth is presented to the people. The [DS] is continuing with their great reset program to depopulate the world and now they are building narrative that people will need another booster. The people are waking up and this plan has failed before it even got started. We were warned that Covid19 was going to become Covid 21 and they are now pushing this. Scavino sends message, they have it all.

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