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X22REPORT: [DS] Panicking, Ready To Use Ammunition, Something Big Is Coming, Red 2 – Ep. 2504.

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[DS] Panicking, Ready To Use Ammunition, Something Big Is Coming, Red 2 – Ep. 2504







 [DS] Panicking, Ready To Use Ammunition, Something Big Is Coming, Red 2
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The people have a front row seat to the [CB] plan, the plan to destroy the economy. The people are now seeing inflation and they are not blaming Trump, they are blaming Biden, which means the [CB]. Rep Jim Jordan says wait until the people see their taxes go up. Without the Fed  the government to fund its foreign wars, its massive, unsustainable social programs, the ever-growing police state, and the tangled web of corporate welfare programs. The patriots on the offensive, they are preparing and getting ready to reveal the truth about the elections, AZ is the gold standard and once fraud is shown in the election other states are going to vote to have a forensic audit. The [DS] is preparing for this, they have now put certain things into place. Red 2, communication blackout in the continental US is coming. The [DS] is now preparing to go after those who push misinformation. The patriots are ready with a SM platform, the emergency alert system is ready. Patriots know the playbook.






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