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X22REPORT: [DS] Prepares Cyber Attacks, Red2, Central Communication Blackout Comes Into Focus – Ep. 2423

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[DS] Prepares Cyber Attacks, Red2, Central Communication Blackout Comes Into Focus – Ep. 2423







 [DS] Prepares Cyber Attacks, Red2, Central Communication Blackout Comes Into Focus

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The corrupt politicians are bailing their states out with the stimulus, after running them into the ground they are using the people’s money to remove their debt. The economy in 2021 is going to take off. [JB] is distributing the stimulus checks but Trump’s will apparently appear on them. [JB] ready to meet with China, that didn’t take long. The patriots are now running the [CB] system into the ground. The [DS]/MSM are doing exactly what the patriots want them to do. Everything is coming together, to be blunt game over. Trump put everything into place with the pandemic and now the military is doing exactly what he wants. The [DS] is getting ready to cyber attack Russia, this about shutting down central communication when the evidence starts to come out.