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What do the Dirty Congress / Billionaires fear the most? Maxwell?

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They are using the Capitol Hill raid as part of the reason for impeachment.  However, why aren't they releasing the real culprits?

Remember Jade and John Sullivan got caught inside Capitol Hill saying "we did it"?  

John Sullivan's brother turned him in.  John Sullivan now faces new criminal charges (as of February 8, 2021).  Why isn't this making headlines?  

And this AmericanThinker report highlights most of the events and further states "looks like Trump was framed".  Of course he was.  According to this article, most of the people, rioting at Capitol Hill, didn't even vote.  The ones that made headlines are far left leaning liberals / Democrats.  And the media, again is spinning this to make it look like they were Trump supporters.  

And what happened to Nancy Pelosi's laptop?  Yes, this impeachment is so disgusting!

What about Maxine Waters constantly threatening/ harassing Trump supporters?  Where is her impeachment?

What about when BLM / Antifa had their ridiculous riots...not one democrat denounced them?  NOT ONE!

The democratic party today is one of dishonesty, damage and derangement!  They will spin anything they can to help their fellow democrat and RINO crooks! The media plays a huge part in their evil plot / plans /narrative...they have since the 1970's.  

CIA Files on Mockingbird - during JFK/MLK Assassinations' investigation (posted by DaKine on


Will this impeachment expose all of them once and for all?  Will Nancy's laptop be a part of the process?  If so, what will be revealed?  The democrats have used every single dirty tactic since 2015 (when President Trump announced his candidacy for President). This is the part where every far left leaning liberal is watching with anticipation.  What will be revealed?  Who else gets exposed?  We know President Trump takes a lot of slings and arrows and the punch back is a gentle one, but now the world is waiting for a powerful punch from the Trump team!  

Part of taking down the evil pedophiles, child / sex trafficking rings is not an easy task.  With the Biden's involved in those sick crimes, yet those crimes are swept under the rug; Biden's Laptop; Weiner's laptop;  Weinstein arrest; Maxwell deposition; NXIVM charges.  All showing horrid and lewd horrific acts of torture and abuse to innocent lives.  These dirty swamp rats will have to face their fate.  The clock is now ticking!

GhostEzra says it well:


Is this what the Democrats / dirty Congress and Wall Street Billionaires fear the most?  With the 20 lines Maxwell wants excluded from public record, what is in those 20 lines?  Names?  Horrid events?  Is this the real reason high profile crooks are going bonkers?


This constant fight is draining and President Trump has had to remain silent.  Remember, when President Kennedy tried to unveil Silver backed dollars, he was assassinated 4 months later.  When NESARA was to get officially announced / unveiled on September 11, 2001, nearly 4,000 people were murdered and thousands more injured and some traumatized for life because dirty Papa Bush and his son / cronies did not want Greatness for us!

Dirty politicians / Hedge Fund billionaires do not care to see prosperity for us!  The prefer to see living in mediocrity and not progressing in life and our lifestyle at all.  They want us ill and poor.  President Trump wants us prosperous and wealthy in our souls by helping humanity!  This is why the White Hats know how dirty these crooks play, and have to masterfully play out this part of the movie very carefully, to protect you and innocent lives!  We now have President Trump and General Flynn that had to be the sacrifices for us, to unveil the greatness to us.  

The Game is Over and the Dems know this is all a movie.  Remember, this happened on Inauguration day, Roy Blunt arrested.


President Trump wants a level playing field for all of us.  And remember this is not anoher 4 year election

And remember the Beautiful Independence Day event at Mt Rushmore, when President Trump reminds us that "THE BEST IS YET TO COME".

Our Lord will not let us down at all!  Please pray and have faith in God that all things will work together.  His plans for us takes us down different paths yet it is always HIS way that is best for us.  We may not understand it, but God has a reason for it.  This process has to happen this way for a reason!  

Sammy and I had our moments of silence to pray a lot while I was down.  


Are we being watched?  On February 8, 2021, CNBC featured commercials during Tom Brady's first superbowl win, of all commercials, they chose this one...the one commonly used to show Sammy dancing!  WOOHOO is Sammy stoked!  Go Sammy Uh Huh!!


 God Bless the World!!!