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Mark Baughman

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The Real State of Affairs in America: All will Change in the Public's Eye within Weeks! || Mark Baughman
"We the People" are the Winners by the Hands of the Mighty Alliance, Trump, and God! || Mark Baughman
The Second Revolutionary War will be Revealed for all to See! || Mark Baughman



Operation Disclosure | By Mark Baughman, Contributing Writer


January 27, 2021


Overall Strategy for the Alliance in the Next Few Months


“We the People” need to be patient for the military is in full control, and with the insurrection act invoked on January 16, 2021; they will arrest the traitors in Congress, in the Judicial System, other government traitors, and all the people at state and local levels that were part of the massive voter fraud. From my recent intelligence, this is going on right now. This is at all levels of government, the school board level, city or precinct level, state level and finally the federal level. This is a quote from Flemings reports; “Department of Defense is confirming that ARRESTS HAVE CONTINUED happening behind the scenes, including arrests of politicians, inside and outside of DC, confirming rumors of D*eep State controlled senators and congress people being arrested and detained over the past several days, and he is confirming rumors that early yesterday morning Mon 25 Jan political elites “at a darkened White House were arrested and taken away”.” The intelligence early this week was that areas would go “Dark” lights or internet when action of the arrests in the area. This happened in large parts of the northeast and the White House and the Washington monument went dark, then fireworks went off once the arrests were finished.


There are military tribunals that can only last three hours and possible up to a week, or just sign a confession too. There is no appealing in this court. If it is a military tribunal, the military officials have overwhelming evidence. Executions could follow immediately after. It is estimated to be one-million people, and that takes time, so the military needs to keep pace. These have been going on for over four years, but really in larger amounts in the last two years. Remember, this is international people too; for crimes against humanity. This is usually human and chi*ld traffic*king, adrenochrome harvesting, human sacrifice, and pedophiles. It is massive undertaking. Here is a video of the raid on the White House arrests this week:


Know the [B]iden administration is a “Smoke Screen” to get all of the traitors from the massive voter fraud. Many already know that fake President [B]iden had an illegitimate inauguration was prerecorded and put on as a show, and even the timing was off when Fake MSM showed it. Some networks were minutes different, if one switched channel. The swearing in must happen after 12:01 for it to be “official and the real transfer of power”. The real timing was before noon on January 20, 2021. But about everyone knows fake [B]iden, just a clone, for the real [B]iden was executed in 2019 with his son by military court. Also, conformation from Juan O’Savin of a film being released by Lame Stream Media at a fake set in Hollywood, California of the oval office of [B]iden in this fake White House. What is even more hilarious is that one can see the pictures taken and out the window of the oval office is a parking lot and even cars there. There is no such thing on the real one. The best shot is out the window and you can see a President Trump real shadow or silhouette in the partly dark window. Just like Trump with the 17 flags or washers stacked up in his background of his speeches, which designates the 17th letter; Q. Do you need any more “in your face hints?”


Also, fake [B]iden had to fly into Washington D.C. with a private jet paid for by himself or his puppet masters the CCP (Chinese Communist Party). This has never happened, ever to a real President, President Trump was flown in on a military aircraft. Everyone knows that the election was a fraud, and especially our military is 100% committed and loyal to the original constitution. The Military is protecting “We the People”, the New Republic and the restored original “Constitution”, and have total control over America now. President Trump brought back 90% of our military overseas for this action to take back our country, and rightfully so! Many of you are watching a movie, with fake MSM who states that this Executive Orders from [B]iden is doing is destroying Trumps actions, please know this, all his work is not being officially registered in the real American government computers. If the people doing this would be charged with treason themselves. His administration is just fantasy, nothing more. He does not have the nuclear football, either. The Patriots are in total control. Here is a picture of the set that I heard reports in Hollywood, Castle Rock Productions:



There is so many hints and real data for those who are partly asleep, and Trump supporters who lost faith. What is coming now is more declassified documents to come out. More information from the Hunter B*iden Laptop. Ghislaine Maxwell Epstein Island massive information who was really, the boss of Jeffery Epstein. What I hear now too, is the declassify the George H. Bush confessions before he was executed; about all the human traffic*king and the major false-flag of 9/11. Wikileaks documents were released many months ago. The big thing is that President Trump will release all the documents on the massive election fraud this week. You know too there is still thirty or so pending law suits filed in the courts on the election fraud. All this is on the internet, one just has to know how to search for it. One can go to too. Let your research ease your heart and allow the truth to flow into your brain.


Next, is what appears to be a coming is a Chinese showdown in two ways. The first is direct from Zorra’s intelligence; of a very strong possibility that there will be a military showdown between American U.S. Navy and the Chinese Navy in the South China Sea area. This will be in the Pacific Ocean area that is patrolled by two U.S. Carrier Groups since the escalation of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) has puppet [B]iden, as the President. [B]iden has no real power and is not backed by any U.S. Military branch. He is a compromised, big time! Also, the massive voter fraud makes [B]iden illegitimate president. From an updated size of the Chinese troops in Canada totals 75,000 troops and a correction of 225,000 Troops in Mexico in underground tunnels or D.U.M.B (Deep Underground Military Bases). Our military knows where they are and could use bunker buster bombs or “Rods of God” from satellites. This has already been used for two DUMB’s and a total of 75,000 troops were destroyed in their underground nests. The military can see them with special optics and special frequency sensitive satellites. Really, they have NO chance, if military brass wants to take them out! From Gene Decode, the U.S. Military has warned the CCP big time, and even did an earthquake making device to break a dam above the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River in China. The weapon created an earthquake registered 4.5 on the Richter scale. This weakened the Three Gorges dam downriver, even more. The Three Gorges Dam is the largest dam in the world and is about to collapse anyway from high-rains several months ago. Therefore, the U.S. Military threat was to blow up the Three Gorges Dam if the CCP does NOT back off on the Chinese troops in Canada or Mexico. The U.S. military has the technology to get out the good Chinese People downstream on the Yangtze River and then blow the dam. It is NOT known what the U.S. Military has decided to do at this at this time. But with Zorra’s intelligence, a military settlement looks to be the only option whether it is between Navy Ships, Rods of God, or conventional weapons. The U.S. Military could use fighter jets or even the Space Force with direct-energy weapons. But from all assessments, there will be a showdown. Do not think American military technology is weak as portrayed in the news media and that the Chinese are not a real threat. The Alliance knows that the CCP is doing underground experiments on human underground near or at Three Gorges Dam or part of its structure and will have to be dealt with by the blow up of the dam or with by the new Federation of China government, but do not know when or if they will blow the dam.


For more information on the Three Gorges Dam or the High-Technology American Military might, please look at this past article on 1/19/2021:


The second showdown with the Chinese is with our debt, or I should say the U.S. Inc. or the corporation that was formed by the illuminati about 1871 to take over our government. You see, now that is defunct and bankrupt, our creditors, especially the largest ones are China and Saudi Arabia. Know that most of the debt is not real, anyway, created by illuminati bankers debt/slave system. The bankruptcy is already final and the only assets in the Federal Employees Retirement Funds. This will bankrupt the CCP and send their economy to spiral down, big time. This aggression by the CCP will blow up in their faces, military side and the financial side. This was all planned, to bankrupt the U.S. Inc. with the continued debt racked up to cover the overnight repo (short-term repurchase agreement) for loans on the daily bank-to-bank settlements. Since, the banks were about to go under in the Federal Reserve System; in the repo markets, the Federal Reserve Bank covers for settlements sometimes to create an illusion the banking system is solid. What the Alliance did was force the repo market to always need to be covered with more and more money, and that bankrupted the Rothchild banking system worldwide. Then the U.S. The Treasury's and the good guys took over, brilliant. The Alliance bankrupted the U.S. Inc. and created the new Republic, so they could bankrupt the Chinese CCP too. This will give the ability for President Xi to create a GESARA government and arrest his CCP traitors trying to take over the world, checkmate.


Now, for the Federal Employees pensions, this will be covered with the new QFS (Quantum Financial System). Know that there are very large six global collateral accounts that are hidden and above governments. The retirement funds will be covered with these massive accounts. There are massive gold reserves stored all over the world too, that the good guys will back all the currencies worldwide with gold. Most of these massive gold reserves were hidden too. The 27 Chinese Elders’ families have a very large amount and volunteered to use their gold to back all countries’ currencies, they live in Taiwan. Every country will have their own defined in-country currency too. There is no one-world currency, as the illuminati wanted to do. Take for example, the illuminati and their Black Nobility have stolen extreme amounts of gold worldwide and stored it in underground tunnels going between the Vatican and Jerusalem, 1,500 miles. The gold stacked up was 150 miles long in the tunnel. When the Alliance was clearing out the D.U.M.B bases and tunnels worldwide in the past many years, they could not even believe there was that much gold in the world. The height was much higher than eight feet and was about 12 feet depth on both sides of the tunnel, for 150 miles, just a massive amount of gold. This will be shared with all countries, all people of the world, rightfully so to set things right for humanity to soar to new heights! There were very meticulous records of where it was stolen from, therefore it could all be returned to the rightful owner.


Now I need to stress not to have Trump Patriots go out to the streets with your gun, and joint in with the Antifa or BLM mobs. This will happen within weeks of the EBS (Emergency Broadcast System) invoked to tell the truth. Patriots do not cause a problem, for the D*eep State wants you to do that, same as it was a pre-planned setup on the Capitol building incident in Washington D.C on January 6, 2021. This is going to their level, please do not go there. Of course, this was planned big time and there were Special Forces embedded in the rally too. They did get the laptops of many traitor Congress People, including Pelosi. On her laptop, was a treasure of evidence that they are colluding with the CCP. Therefore, Trump Patriots with guns do not mix. The military will handle all of this, for Trump called back 90% of the troops overseas to help out, in the major coup against our great America. Known to that the January 6, 2021 staged riot in the Capitol building was traced back to Antifa and BLM, then traced back to National Lawyers Guild, and finally to the corrupt illuminati organization of none other than, George Soros. This intelligence is from Lin Wood, himself. Also, with President Trump's executive order in 2018 that states if a country tries to interfere with our American election, they could seize all assets in America of such country. Know that Canada, England, Spain, Iran, Italy and China’s CCP. Well, checkmate. Look who was prepared!


There is going to be major announcements, and appears to be this week from the higher council news. I quote; “sometime during these days, the councils have agreed that people are mature enough to hear what has happened in the US election with fraud and corruption. Regardless of when this announcement comes out, it will be a shock to the people of the United States but also to the rest of the world. The dark can threaten with whatever they want, the message will still be published for the people.” I would expect it between now and a week and half. Also, quote; “Behind the scenes for this to go out as soon as possible and everything indicates that this must have priority now because people must open their eyes and wake up to what is happening in their country.” The d*eep state still knows that they have lost this battle because the light has won!


As President Trump’s latest speech’s “The Best has Yet to Come”. With the Global Currency Reset and the debt jubilee for all people, we will have to celebrate. I just do not know the exact date for this, but expect it no later than April. Also, the new Republic’s elections will happen in March, and looks to be President Trump will get sworn in. We do have reports he got sworn in to the new Republic on January 11, 2021 in private too. We will see what exactly plays out. To complete this very patriotic news, from a George Washington quote; “Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pain’s taken to bring it to Light”. We the People, as a world need to see all the truths the illuminati have hidden all these centuries, even as ugly as it may be. Therefore, humanity will NOT allow this to ever happen again! Victory to the Light!