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X22REPORT: Trump Dangles The Bait,GSA, [DS] Takes The Bait, Truth Transparency The Only Way Forward – Ep. 2337

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Trump Dangles The Bait,GSA, [DS] Takes The Bait, Truth Transparency The Only Way Forward – Ep. 2337







Trump Dangles The Bait,GSA, [DS] Takes The Bait, Truth Transparency The Only Way Forward
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The economy is improving in the US, home prices accelerate at the fastest pace in 30 months. People are now seeing who has destroyed their businesses and their lives. Watch CA. The [CB] economy that Trump controls is coming back, the Dow hit 30000, Trump held a press conference to let the [CB]/[DS] players know that their plan failed and he is in control of the economy. Trump has dangled the bait and the [DS]/MSM has taken it, hook line and sinker. This is about destroying the [DS] system. The only way to do this is the truth, which means the rule of law and the highest law in the land is the constitution. The enemy is in the process of destroying themselves, why interfere. The coverup of the crime always gets you, Trump and team are pushing the [DS]/MSM into a panic.