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X22REPORT: Patriot’s Caught The [DS] Red Handed, October Surprises Being Prepped And Warmed – Episode 2301

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Patriot’s Caught The [DS] Red Handed, October Surprises Being Prepped And Warmed – Episode 2301







Patriot’s Caught The [DS] Red Handed, October Surprises Being Prepped And Warmed

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The [CB] are ready to move forward with their plan, they know the fiat system is collapsing so they are ready to push the next phase digital currencies. The US already has countermeasures in place, what will destroy the [CB], gold. The [DS]/MSM has now been exposed on how they use the wrap up smear campaign, the MSM/[DS] narrative is now falling apart. The [DS] was caught red handed and how there is more information coming out of why pallets of cash was given to Iran. KM signals CG, everything is a go, the October surprise is being prepped and warmed. The [DS]/MSM narrative is collapsing on them and nothing can stop this, nothing.