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X22REPORT: Did You See What Trump Just Did, [DS] Narrative Destroyed, Drip, Drip, Declass- Episode 2295

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Did You See What Trump Just Did, [DS] Narrative Destroyed, Drip, Drip, Declass- Episode 2295





Did You See What Trump Just Did, [DS] Narrative Destroyed, Drip,Drip,Declas
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The economy is now picking up speed, more and more businesses are opening up and people are going back to work. Something very interesting just happened, restaurant spending has almost returned to normal. Trump has now positioned the economy, the infrastructure bill is coming, jobs, manufacturing, technology all coming back to the US, on deck the [CB]. Trump is in the process of destroying the [DS] narrative, he accomplished this in as little of 3 days. During the time he spent at Walter Reed was ordered the declass of certain information. Drip, drip pain. Its all happening, the pieces are now being put together the story is being presented to the people. The [DS] is panicking, they can’t stop what is coming.