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X22REPORT: Trump Exposes The Invisible Enemy Hidden In The Dark Shadows,[DS] Panic – Episode 2265

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Trump Exposes The Invisible Enemy Hidden In The Dark Shadows,[DS] Panic – Episode 2265





Trump Exposes The Invisible Enemy Hidden In The Dark Shadows
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The [CB]/[DS]/MSM push to bring down the economy has boomeranged on them. Instead of destroying the economy they have now destroyed their own economy in their state or city. The economy is moving forward, we are seeing V recoveries and the recoveries are getting stronger. The [CB] is panicking their system is failing, they need to cover it all up. The [DS]/MSM are now exposed, they exposed with the virus and with the riots. It’s all falling apart, the move to get the grand jury information, to have Don McGahn testify and to get Trump’s taxes have all failed. Trump exposes the invisible enemy and lets everyone know that people are hiding in the dark shadows calling the shots.