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X22REPORT: August Is A Hot Month, 11.4 Marker, Events Planned, [DS] Already Knows They Lost – Episode 2228

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August Is A Hot Month, 11.4 Marker, Events Planned, [DS] Already Knows They Lost – Episode 2228





August Is A Hot Month, 11.4 Marker, Events Planned, [DS] Already Knows They Lost
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The economy is starting to boom again, gold and silver are rising quickly and the ratio has begun too close.  House sales are rising at an incredible pace. Trump is getting ready to push the infrastructure build by cutting more taxes and de-regulating, Judy Shelton ready to come on board. The [DS]/MSM are panicking, their entire event is now falling apart, the people know the truth and people are not going along with their agenda. The silent majority is growing every day and arrests are coming. August is going be a hot month, the [DS] already know they lost so they are planning additional events, the patriots already know the playbook.