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X22REPORT: Do You Feel The Summer Heat, True Evil Is About To Be Revealed To The World – Episode 2223

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Do You Feel The Summer Heat, True Evil Is About To Be Revealed To The World – Episode 2223







Do You Feel The Heat Of Summer, True Evil Is About To Be Revealed To The World
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Trump and the patriots are now turning up the heat, the IRS is now canceling stimulus checks that were sent out in error. Why is Trump pushing for schools to open. Kids going back to school means that parents can go back to work, which means the economy will receive a boost for the 3rd quarter. Personal debt is dropping why? The [DS]/MSM first event will be coming to and end, the [DS]/MSM are now preparing the 2nd event to be pushed forward right before the election, be prepared for a FF. The pandemic will be winding down, people have been brought to the edge and now the facts are coming out about masks, once the mask is off the entire event falls apart. The silent majority is growing, soon, very soon silent ones will be as one voice.