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8 months ago, I told you in this articlethat Mitt Romney was the New No Name.

In this imagetaken from the same article, I specifically told you that he was among the “13 Angry Democrats”.

It did not take long for him to confirm it.

Immediately after the whistleblower story made the headlines, Mitt Romney broke ranks and attacked POTUS the next day by qualifying the Ukrainian story to be “troubling to the extreme”: article.

From my previous article, you already know that POTUS has the evidence that the whistleblower was a HUSSEIN operation conducted by a team of bad actors and that POTUS let them run their scheme until it was time to release the transcript to destroy it: Img1

As you can see, the State IG miserably played his part just like the ICIG, Shifty and Nancy did.

How about Mitt Romney?

The comms predicted he would also play his part. It’s right here: Img2

Do you now see why the Maestro inserted the deadly keyword ‘Burisma’ in his call with President Zelensky? Mitt Romney’s hidden interest in Burisma, and therefore in US international energy policy, is a perfect example of how the Swamp has been stealing our money: Img3

Is this the only reason Mitt Romney is so vocal and active against POTUS?

There is another reason. A more chilling one.

It’s related to how Romney lost to Hussein in 2012 and let him win the presidential election despite his poor first term track record. There are many examples in the Maestro’s tweetature illustrating this reality: Img4

How did Hussein REALLY win the 2012 presidential election? What REALLY happened with Mitt Romney? Why didn’t Romney fight and win this easy election?

This gives me the opportunity to share with you how a C_A agent steals an election in 6 easy steps. Read very carefully: Img5

That’s for the theory. Ready for the application?

It’s revealed in an August 10 2012 article entitled 7 Scandals That Reveal the Real Mitt Romney.This article was heavily coded and contained the threats required in step 5 to own and control Mitt Romney.

Let’s decode the article.

We notice that in scandal 1, there is an extra space between the first and the second paragraph. This is an indication Scandal 1 and Scandal 2 are connected and should be decoded simultaneously. For each story, we add up the numbers to access the coded keyword. We then solve the puzzle and decode the message sent to Mitt Romney. This is what we get for the first 2 scandals: Img6

Message sent in scandals 3 and 4: Img7

Message sent in scandals 5 and 6: Img8

Before we decode the message sent in scandal 7 which mentions the Salt Lake Olympic bribery scandal, let’s first listen to Wayne Barrett tell us about Mitt Romney’s corrupt behavior in the management of the 2002 Winter Games: video.

Now you are equipped to go through the decode of Scandal 7 and how HUSSEIN signed the article himself: Img9

Did the threat work?

Yes. Big time.

The very next day, Mitt Romney selected Paul Ryan as his VP: Img10

And there you have it.

HUSSEIN owns Mitt Romney. He used him to win the 2012 presidential election, used him to hype up the bogus whistleblower story and is now using him to sabotage POTUS’ efforts in Syria and to divide Republicans.

Now question for you Mitt: if HUSSEIN had all the goods on you and if POTUS has all the goods on HUSSEIN, what kind of logical conclusion should you draw from this?

Q1222 These people are stupid. We have it all. Q