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We are continuing our analysis of the events that occurred at the G7 in Biarritz.

In part1, we went back to the roots of our war against the Cabal under POTUS’ command and reviewed the weapons used today by both sides.

We also went through how the Cabal supports China in the trade war against America through the activation of the Federal Reserve and how they instrumentalized French President Macron to systematically oppose Trump and create controversy.

You are also aware of the special ties President Macron has with the Cabal for leaving his government job as Inspector of Finance to work for the Rothschild & Cie Bank from 2008 to 2012. After receiving this 4-year Rothschild anointing and a brief transition at the Elysée, he became the youngest Finance Minister since former president Giscard D'estaing in 2014 and was elected president of France in March 2017 with 66,06% of the vote and a unanimous support of the MSM.

You know what’s going on right?

This is the man hosting the G7 in Biarritz and with whom the Maestro had to deal with.

First, let’s notice that according to his official schedule, POTUS arrived in Bordeaux on August 24 2019 at 12PM local, and had a private lunch with Macron at 1:27 PM in Biarritz and tweeted later about it with 2 typos on the name Emmanuel Macron that he spelled Emanuel Macrone. The lunch was supposed to be private but Macron chose to have the media around at the beginning. Let’s watch how it went: video

Did you catch at 2:33 how the Maestro looked around to clearly show that he did not give a single nugget about what Macron was talking about?

Macron talked in French for 86 seconds and in English for 165 seconds. He talked about Lybia, Syria, Ukraine, North Korea, Iran, the economy, gender equality, climate and Amazonia. The Maestro answered with a 52 second speech reminding Macron how he enjoyed their Eiffel tower dinner and focusing on the weather, the beautiful location and the guests being fantastic! Hahaha!

The second thing worth noticing is that the Maestro tweeted about arriving in Biarritz roughly 7 hours after tweeting about the lunch he had with Macron in… Biarritz!

For your training, I will give you the tweets you need to decode to explain this diplomatic oddity. An important clue is that right after the tweet with the typo on Macron’s name, the Maestro tweeted about tax cuts. Try to solve the riddle: Img1

Here is the EXPLOSIVE solution with the capital letter counts decoded: Img2

How did I know Macron was not going to seek for a second term? Yes, I analyzed the Q drops pulled by the corresponding timestamps and this information appeared with other doozies: Img3

As you can see, since DONALD J. TRUMP=148 and =EMMANUEL MACRON=148, there are chances Macron can become a better version of himself. The trick is to not focus on letters like ME and alter his name count…

Ah, ego quand tu nous tiens!

So let’s recap: the very first day of the G7 summit, Macron is poured cold water and is forced to cut his ties with his Cabal masters and satisfy the Maestro. A good question is now what happens to all the things he was dreaming of doing like forcing his way to becoming a middle man in an Iranian issue he fails to understand? Can you believe Macron was hoping to get somewhere by inviting the Iranian Foreign Minister that the US Department of Treasury sanctioned just a month ago? Even Merkel took her distance from this initiative. Watch: video

Now you are equipped to understand why the Maestro randomly wished Happy Birthday to Sean Connery, Regis Philbin and Vince McMahon between 2 meetings at the G7 causing the low IQ Fake News to mock him as illustrated here: here.

The key to solve this was to know some French and notice that Connery is the same pronunciation for the French word CONNERIE, which means BS. Then, since we are in phonetic territory, Philbin translates to FILL BIN. Puzzle coming together? What happens when a president is stripped of his power and becomes empty? Yes: he fills the bin with BS and that’s exactly what Macron did by inviting Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif and talking so much. Now we need to solve why the Maestro also wished Vince McMahon a happy birthday. That was a little tougher nut to crack. Here is the solution of this beautiful riddle: Img4

Macron’s ordeal was not limited to this unexpected cold shower and the isolation he inflicted on himself with his Iranian solitary escape. A few hours later, the Maestro doubled down by tweeting and misspelling his name again and removed an extra M for the road. Through these typos, he coded that France was freed and that major policy changes were about to occur. Read very carefully: Img5

You thought the Maestro would stop here? No no no. there’s more. On the last day of the G7 summit, Macron launched the session on climate and biodiversity and of course you know the Maestro did not attend but something very interesting happened: until 1:25

Did you notice he was reading a document to present the watch and that at 0:40 a piece fell from his box? These are clues all this was new to him. He was forced to present the watch and to read a script. Why? Because the name of the watch is AWAKE! The French MSM picked up on it and asked the right questions: Img6

If you investigate this watch further, you will discover it’s made out of recyclable fishnets. Do you know why? Because:

Q1840 [Fish]ing is fun. These people are stupid. Q

The president of France is a pretty big fish to recycle after a cold shower don’t you think?

Can you solve why the Maestro had the watch solar powered? I’ll give you hint. Look at this image taken from part1: clue.Do you see it? Peruvian Coffee for those who saw the pyramids is about worshipping Ra the Egyptian sun god while solar power is about using the sun. Do you see what the Maestro is teaching these secret societies with this watch? I told you, I’ll tell you again: God created us for Him and created the universe for us.

Just to make sure we are all on the same page, Macron gave an interview the day after the summit. Even if you don’t speak French, try to decode what you see: until 8:09

I’m sure many of you picked up he was wearing our famous AWAKE watch. But did you see the other clues? Look: Img7

France, Welcome to the Great Awakening!

Ready for the icing on the cake?

Do you remember the major policy changes announced by the Maestro in Img5? Well, President Macron delivered big time. After 18 months of consultation, his initial plan was to confront unions like CFDT(French Democratic Confederation of Labour) and satisfy his friends from the MEDEF (Movement of French Companies) by setting the retirement age at 64. Well, during the interview mentioned above, he made a major announcement on the subject and did a spectacular 180 that surprised the entire French nation. Here are the headlines: Img8

Challenge: who can tell me why the Maestro picked the issue of the French retirement age to initiate the major positive changes that are set to occur in France?

What is the current retirement age in France? Yes: 62 link.

Value for COVFEFE? Yes: 62.

Maintenant vous savez…

Vive la France!