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Are you ready for Hurricane Dorian?

Did you notice DORIAN=61=Q ANON?

You know what we are really talking about right?

POTUS gave us the clues to understand the conversation. Let’s listen: pinned tweet.

Why would he start his speech with: “This is President Trump”? Did you notice PRESIDENT TRUMP=198=CALM BEFORE THE STORM?

Why is the Maestro so specific about his location? He says: “I’m standing in the Rose Garden of the White House, right in front of the Oval Office”. Q taught us what is really meant in this drop:

Q747 Flowers & Gardens. Learn the hidden symbolism. What does a 'Flower' represent? What does 'Deflower' represent? Q

We are in sexual and serious human rights abuse territory and the Oval Office clue is hinting at the Executive Order on Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption.

Puzzle coming together? Here is the translation of the Maestro’s speech: Img1

What do we do next? Yes, we pull the Q drop of the tweet to gather more information and identify confirmations. This is what we get: Img2


Yes, we look at all the other tweets of the day.

The first ones were posted at 5:58 AM and 6:03 AM and confirm Hurricane Dorian is about targeting the very top of the satanic and treasonous network that tried to implement the 16 Year plan to Destroy America that Q described in Q570. We now know they attempted a coup against Trump to stay in power and to cover their crimes. Here is the decode: Img3

I showed you in previous articles that Comey is a Satanist and, by now you have probably used the comms to find the proofs that HUSSEIN is also a Satanist, just like the Witch. If not, start by counting the number of days between the day he got into the White House and the day he went to Giza to say this: video.

You got that? Now compare that number to 163, consider mirrors and everything I told you about the Cult of the Immortal Queen in this article..

Peruvian Coffee for those who solve this and understand why FLOTUS went to GIZA!

For those who want a shortcut, here it is from Q:

Q382 SATAN has left the WH.

This is what is really going on behind the scenes. It’s a war between us, led by POTUS and satanists led by the Cabal Families and hiding behind secret societies and multiple layers of politicians, Fake News and business operators.

Did you notice how hysterical they all went when POTUS said he is the Chosen One? Isn’t that telling? I’ve already given you the exoteric explanation of the Maestro’s statement. Did you figure out the esoteric one? The Maestro gave us some more information about this in his tweet about Lawrence O’Donnell who was forced to epically bite the dust after lying about him as reported in the following video, watch until 2:58

Here is the decoded tweet: Img4

The O’Donnell lie and how he had to immediately retract it illustrates a new reality of the Storm: recess is over and no one is allowed to get away with anything anymore. The Fake News is now warned and former Deep State creatures like Comey cannot use the informant trick as an excuse anymore to cover their crimes. It’s revealed in the 6:47 AM and 8:05 AM tweets: Img5

So you thought the Maestro tweeting Comey got lucky heremeant that he was off the hook?

No no no!

Look, Q told you right here:

Q3569 [slam-dunk] charges coming? Public understanding of events just around the corner. Q

Here, let’s watch some basketball to have a perfect understanding of what Q is talking about: video

You got that? When Comey is charged with the real damning crimes he committed, no one will be in position to attack AG Barr and claim he’s politically motivated or unfair. Slam Dunk.

So? The DOJ is meticulously preparing Comey’s chalice with the best ingredients coming from all over the world… Here is the tweet where this reality is revealed: Img6

And just in case you thought Hurricane Dorian was only targeting Deep State creatures and politicians, the Maestro re-tweeted the National Weather Service to make sure we are all on the same page: Img7


I’m now going to finish writing my article about the BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS at the G7 in Biarritz. Did you catch them? Were you able to decode the messages coded in Melania’s wardrobe and how they were read by the world in real time? How about Macron presenting a watch called AWAKE? You think I’m kidding? The Fake News will never show this to you. It’s right here: video

Can you solve?

Q1296 Personal thank you to the BO, Bakers, and Autists/Anons who continually dedicate their time and energy to the GREAT AWAKENING. You are all Patriots. The hard part is coming to an end. The next phase will bring JUSTICE. Q+