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As you know, in my last articlepublished yesterday, we went through additional intel hidden in the Idaho/Bill Maher riddle and solved the reason why Trump said he was the “Chosen One”.

Among the components of the solution, we had this music video segment: until 2:11and the corresponding solving picture: Img0

What if I told you that the Maestro confirmed these 2 components in a spectacular way during his press conference given earlier today at the G7?

For training purposes, I will give you the 4 tweets from the White House and the Trump Team that will put you in the right direction. I will also highlight specific areas of the tweets to help you find the connections. Here is the challenge, spend some time and try to find the solution without further help: Img1

Back? How was it? Here is the solution:

The first thing you had to notice was the reference to the G7 meeting in tweet1 and how it connected to the music video in showing 7 people sitting at a table. Then, in several instances during the summit, the Maestro insisted on the word UNITY to characterize the meetings. He specifically said: "If there was any word for this particular meeting of seven very important countries, it was unity." We already had the G from G7, with the word UNITY, aren’t we getting close to the G UNIT appearing in the list of featured artists in the music video? We can “smell” the cake, it’s now time to find solid connections.

The timestamp of the first tweet is 10:47 AM. Let’s pull Q1047 and let’s analyze all the letters separated by dashes in tweet 4. This is what we get: Img2

Puzzle coming together?

What do we do next?

Yes, we use the Maestro’s statement about unity being the keyword for the meetings of the 7 G7 countries. Since 7 reduces to 1, all numbers reduce to 1, in particular the number 9=I and the letters I=9 and A=1 are therefore interchangeable and we can trade the letter A for the letter I. Peruvian Coffee for those who saw the security test confirming this operation in tweet 3: we notice that the tweet has the 2 numbers 7 and 3 and is about trade deals in 3 parts with capital letter A for Agriculture, I for Industrial tariffs and D for Digital trade. Since 7-3=4, the 2 numbers solved D=4 and for the tweet to self-solve, the 2 other letters A and I must have the same “value” and therefore be interchangeable. Trading A and I confirmed. I know right? Team Trump warned you: the tweet was inviting skilled traders for a “tremendous trade deal for the US with Japan”! Hahaha!

Here is the final confirmation image: Img3

This is the power of the comms folks.

The Maestro, yet again, gave another confirmation of everything that was said in past articles. Are you keeping track of all the confirmations we’ve gathered so far? I can hear from here the naysayers following the footsteps of the Fake News and accusing me of developing my Q version of a “Messiah Complex”. Hahaha! It’s ok, I’ll call for a press conference on my lawn to clear that out with my bike engine running in the background…

Seriously, from Q linking to one of my very first articles in Q1340 to the Maestro serially mentioning “brain” at the Great Falls rally, to the B2 and Hammond conversation, to the would’NT tweet, to dimensionns, to the Beast-Air Force One chemtrail footage, to Rolls Royce, to the “Maestro” and the list goes on…

What if I told you that I only share a small portion of the multiple confirmations and intel I see through the comms? The information sent by the Maestro and Q is so massive that I honestly don’t understand how some people claiming to be part of our movement find time to attack other people.

This information sent and waiting to be shared is what Q means here:

Q3570 You have more than you know. Q

I struggle with this reality every time I start writing and have to decide what I’m going to share with you in 10k words.

You know what? I’ll even tell you more than that today. Are you aware that the comms are so powerful that those who have learned them know exactly where Epstein is?! Yes! The Maestro told us! In his tweets!

I’ll give you 2 hints: the first one is about Fredo and the Maestro asking if he should be allowed to have a weapon in this tweet, the second clue is in this video

Happy Hunting!

Q761 This board has more power than you can imagine. Q

Q145 Do you believe in coincidences? How many coincidences do you need before you believe? This is the biggest insider drop in the history of the world. Pray. Q